Archived Help with cashiering?

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It's under Hand Key ID, then it's like K2 or something. Had to use that for a return today.

What number do you type in? Is it the number with the barcode inside the back cover, or the long code at the bottom of the data page?

Also, how do you enter a passport if a guest is buying an age-restricted item such as beer? Can you scan it, or do you have to key the birthdate and get a GSTL override? In that situation, it doesn't give you the option to key in an ID number - either scan the ID, key the birthdate, or void the item.

Ours not only had other states & Canadian provinces, it also listed U.S./other territories - ie: Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa but no Mexican states even tho we're a border state.

I forgot that US territories are listed as well.
On age-restricted items you'd only need to see the passport/ID to verify their age before keying the DOB in.
Some stores require a GSTL/GSA to override a hand-keyed DOB. Ours didn't.
Yeah It just surprised me because the system doesn't give a clear option for it. It's only, "CA State ID, Passports, Military ID." I think I had to type in the numbers under the passport option now that I think of it. And the guest had to tell me to do this, he had the same issue before. It was funny.

The system will accept pretty much random numbers (I don't know if this was always the case), so feel free to type in a Mexican ID if you so choose. After all, we are VIBING with each and every guest!!
What number do you type in? Is it the number with the barcode inside the back cover, or the long code at the bottom of the data page?

If I remember correctly there's a string of numbers somewhere on the top right, I've been entering those as the long string of gibberish at the bottom doesn't fit.
State ID/license or military ID.
Don't think they allow passports any more.

Passports can be used.

ASANTS. Due to lots of return fraud and theft we only do non expired state ID's or drivers licenses for 18+. We also do not type in the liscense number- if it doesnt' scan I try a different register and if it still doesn't scan, sorry dude. Ask your GSTL and/or AP for verification.
Ag! So with the recent high-value Cartwheel discounts, I've been encouraging guests to use them at checkout especially when there's not many people in line. But once, I revealed that all two-liters can be 50% off if using Cartwheel (this was also advertised by the sodas with a 7x11 sign) to this guy just buying one two-liter soda. At the end, he asked me why it wasn't reduced and I told him he had to use Cartwheel (I don't think he had a phone with him) and he looked frustrated/disappointed/upset but didn't say anything else. I also mentioned that if he came in within two weeks, we could do a price adjustment because I felt bad. Then later during huddle, I asked my LOD if it was alright to just deduct the savings as a Target coupon even if they didn't have Cartwheel and she told me that was alright because we're supposed to 'Vibe' with the guests. I feel slightly guilty about the guy with the pop but I also am irritated that we give people the discounts even without Cartwheel. Like what is the point of Cartwheel then???
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