Last I knew, my store was mostly going by what MyTime did and not editing it if possible. I guess they were trying to see how it worked and working out the bugs.
It sucks that you can't wear skirts AT ALL. I wear skirts every day partly because my store just gets too hot for pants all the time. I would die if I had to wear pants when it's 90 out. I wonder if maybe there was an incident with a too-short skirt or something.
Yeah, at first they were doing, "just trust the schedule." After about a month, small edits started appearing here and there. Then larger edits. And you noticed patterns in scheduling that would never happen if they weren't hand done (usually involving favoritism). Like certain TMs getting every other weekend off, certain TMs *always* being scheduled on the days they were available (for instance, if they are available four days a week, you cannot tell me that they will always get those four days if the computer is doing the schedule). Some TMs get longer shifts than others...constantly. Etc, etc. I cleared a TM for guest services earlier this week, and told HR about it since I know communication at my store is non-existent. Her first question to me? "Should her first shift to get comfortable on her own be an opening or closing shift?" That isn't the question of someone who lets the computer do the schedule.
I mean, it's fine they've gone back to that...especially since my main work center is done by hand, so that generally means the rest needs to be done by hand as well to get my what will be will be.
And regarding the skirts...I have complained each and every summer how hot it is in our building...even the guests complain. It is miserable. The only time it is semi-bearable is if I'm at guest services where we have a fan. I would wear skirts in an instant if I thought I could get away with it. I don't know what is up with the no skirt policy...but that's been in effect so long, and we've switched both ETL-HRs and STLs since if I'm there next summer (please, no) I may ask about that.