Archived Hey everyone!

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Sep 4, 2013
I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am a GSA turned GSTL new in role (only since January) and I am looking for advice. My partner GSTL was promoted at the same time I was to SrTL and so I have been training myself since day one. Any advice is welcome. Thanks so much!
I was wondering about a couple of things. First; how do I develop a routine with all of the changes everyday? Second; What is up with dollar spot? How do I keep that area zoned and filled it's like everyone in the store insists on moving things around just to mess with me.
Every Monday I make a list of things that I need to get done that week. Do i need to do coachings? I figure out when i work with that cashier and i schedule it. I look to see if i need to set any endcaps, change any out because we can't keep it stocked, come in an hour early to super zone SSS and fill, and i print all the conversion scores, pick a champ for the week, write them a card and get them their favorite pop and candy bar, and anything else conversion related.

The rest of the week is honestly up for grabs except for schedule day. It's hard to predict when to do what up there because it kind of goes with it. We do have set days that we stock the lanes with certain items and the opening cashiers do that or gum and candy. I also use Smart Huddle about once a week to get gum and candy stocked since it takes about 10 minutes with everyone doing it vs spending all day with one cashier trying to get it done.

I make Service Desk help zone and fill SSS. If they're ever just standing around over to SSS they go! Our SSS isn't the closest to SD but we make it work. I schedule all cashiers until 15 minutes after close so if we aren't getting a good zone in SSS i send all the cashiers over there to work on for 15 minutes and that usually takes care of it.
Get a planner and make notes so you're working on what you need to work on. Schedule off stage time if you can and use that time to really get things done. The best time is early am because no one else is there. I try and give myself an hour a week and usually come in at 6am and i get a ton done in that hour since no one else is there.

Hopefully some of that helps but if you have more specific questions let me know!

Welcome to the break room.
Great advice! Thank you! I will definitely use that planner Idea, I think that is where I am getting stuck the most.
Second; What is up with dollar spot? How do I keep that area zoned and filled it's like everyone in the store insists on moving things around just to mess with me.

One Spot is a joke at my store. It's almost never zoned, and it's only filled to planogram when plano sets it (i.e. it's always flexed).
Second; What is up with dollar spot? How do I keep that area zoned and filled it's like everyone in the store insists on moving things around just to mess with me.

One Spot is a joke at my store. It's almost never zoned, and it's only filled to planogram when plano sets it (i.e. it's always flexed).

that drives me nuts! That's how it was before i became a TL and i quickly ended that. It's much easier to keep filled and looking good if you are putting an effort in every day! It only takes us 15 minutes or so to keep it zoned because we do it twice a day every single day. Sometimes when we have a rough weekend it's pretty bad on Mondays but thats when I schedule an opening cashier to come in at 7 to work on it. We now have the best looking SSS in the district and it's really not that hard!
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