Hello to everyone!


Glad you finally introduced yourself! ❤️
Yep. And two years later I'm now getting around to saying thank you for the welcome :-D

Very severe illness caused me to have to go on extended MLOA. I never got well enough to get back and they had no choice but to term me. I miss my job terribly but not well yet. Cancer treatment (radiation) is FAR more devastating than the disease itself .. trust me.

Hi there! I see you're still here.

After I posted my initial introduction two years ago I became terribly ill as a result of radiation (for cancer*) and, after a very long time, Target had to term me, rehirable.

I had become so terribly ill that doing even slightest thing was virtually impossible. I tried to communicate via email to HR but things kept on getting bounced back to me as undeliverable. I had assumed that even when management individuals would leave that Target corporate would get the emails and forward appropriately but that didn't happen.

In any event, I miss my job terribly there. I had a horrifying team leader the last time that I worked. OMG! That individual was the reason that I had to go on a medical leave of absence to start with and when I was healing the other things started to kick in. It was a hell of a bad time.

I know a lot of people complain about their jobs over there and things have changed over the years, that is very true. I really enjoyed my time there and I look forward to becoming well again and going right smack back to where I was because I really did love my job there.

Thank you very much for the welcome and I'm sorry that it took me 2 years to respond


* I'm 100% clear of cancer now but the radiation completely destroyed my body. I mean completely annihilated. I'm trying very hard to be strong and make sure it doesn't take me out ;-)
I've been employed with Target for about 5½ years. Have "lurked" in TBR for about 3 or 4.

I felt it about time to introduce myself.

Like everyone else, I have days I like Target and days I can't stand the place.

I like the people that post in here, however. You seem like really cool people.

I look forward to chatting with you!
Welcome to the place we go to ask questions we wouldn't dare ask at work.
Or go to vent about a trash day.

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