Archived Hi everyone! (Also, a question about punch correction)

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Jul 13, 2013
I'm new both to the boards and to Target. I was hired as a GSA at a new store and have only done three days so far. My first day was orientation, my second was completing all the various tests (online/on paper), plus a little cashier/GS training, and my third day was mainly hands-on cashier training at another store.

Since the Target I've been hired at is a new store, people have started training at different times, and I just happened to be one of the last ones - so I'm currently training to be a GSA at a nearby store (shadowing a GSTL there) before the new one opens. Meanwhile, some new cashiers and folks have been training for longer, so they currently know more than me! I have a lot of catching up to do.

I have a small question that almost certainly has a simple answer. Since I'm training at this other store (and I'm super new), their system doesn't recognize me, so I have to do punch correction on eHR to get my hours. However, the kiosk at that store was really slow yesterday so I just figured I'd do the punch correction at home - but now I think you can only access your time sheet on a Target computer? Is that correct?

Anyway, if I'm right, then my current plan is to try punch correction again at that slow kiosk when I go back to work on Monday, and if it's still giving me trouble then I can do a paper one, right?

I learn very quickly, but I feel like the information I need only comes in spurts (and out of order), so it's hard to link everything together right now. If anyone has advice or insight it'd be greatly appreciated!
Greetings and salutations.
As Barcode said you can only do the correction at work.
If you can't get the computer to cooperate they might let you do a paper one.
You can only do punch corrections in the store.

Welcome 🙂
Ahh thank you! I thought as much but I remembered people talking about accessing eHR at home so I wasn't sure (of course I know now that only some functions are available from home). I'll make sure to get to work early on Monday to give myself some time to do punch correction before I start work.
Greetings and salutations.
As Barcode said you can only do the correction at work.
If you can't get the computer to cooperate they might let you do a paper one.

Thank you for your help! 🙂

Do you guys know if there are any plans to update the eHR page to make it more modern and user friendly? It seems very outdated.
I learn very quickly, but I feel like the information I need only comes in spurts (and out of order), so it's hard to link everything together right now. If anyone has advice or insight it'd be greatly appreciated!
Welcome to the world of Spot.
It doesn't get much better but you'll get used to that.
The difference in mileage between your store & the one you're training at. You should be reimbursed for it.
The difference in mileage between your store & the one you're training at. You should be reimbursed for it.
Oh wow, really? I have to travel twice the distance to get to the one I'm training at (maybe more).

How do I go about doing that?

Thank you so much by the way! I'm really glad I found this place! 🙂

EDIT: I'm not travelling from store to store, though. I have full 8+ hour days at the store I'm training at for the next week or so, and then I'll go back to the new store which opens in a couple of weeks.
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