Archived Hi folks

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Go away Voortman, no endcap for you
Sep 18, 2013
Hello everyone. I'm a new HLTM (<2 months) from the Gulf Coast area at a high volume store.

I started work right before BTS and the hellish "You want payroll? Good luck, here, have 15 hours per week" month that has been September so far.

I'm a people person, and hyper motivated for cross training, but they don't seem willing to do anything with me. There are so many things I don't know how to do, and it drives me nuts when I can't help a person out, even when I know how to do it but can't due to certs (pulling from stock makes me crazy, since I know how to subt, but ETLs have told me explicitly not to do it until I've been cert'd.)

I know it's probably because payroll is low until the Holiday season starts next month, but it's kind of depressing to want to get the training (my parents taught me to make myself as indispensable as possible) and be told, "We'll get right on that, let's look over the next available schedule" and then have nothing come of it. Is this something that'll change in the coming months, or am I stuck getting "cross trained" by other TMs and the occasional TL giving me a heads up on how to perform certain tasks (subt, sflm, requesting change on a register, QMOSing out of date or damaged grocery, processing AP loss and damaged items, etc)?

If everyone here is half as awesome as (most of) my fellow in store TMs, I think I'm going to feel right at home.
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to The Break Room.
Welcome to The Break Room!

Cross-training is not easy to come by when payroll is down. If there's ever a day or night when it's quiet in the store and you don't have much to do (i.e. your zone and re-shop are finished and CAFs are done), ask the LOD if you can partner with a TM in another area so they can show you the ropes in their workcenter.
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