Archived Hi I am new

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Jun 29, 2012
Hi, I am new and was hired this week. I was hired on the spot after two interviews for Cashier and I passed my drug test and waiting for word about my orientation this next week. I know the dress code is obviously red shirts, khaki pants, but what about shoes? Can I wear any tennis shoes that I have regardless of color? Or is there a certain kind of shoe you have to wear?

Thanks :huh:
Greetings and salutations

Any shoes but I highly recommend you get some that you will be comfortable standing up in for eight hours.
Cashiers might want to correct me on this.
I know backroom, flow and FA TM can't wear open toe shoes, is there a rule like that for cashiers?
Thanks for your reply. I am only working at Target part-time as I have a full-time job during the week. So hopefully it won't be 8 hour shifts although I get what your saying. I do need some comfy shoes. I just want to get some cute colorful tennis shoes and was hoping they would be fine.

Thanks again for your reply!! :excited:
Welcome to The Break Room! Like commie said, wear shoes that you can stand comfortably in for several hours.

I know backroom, flow and FA TM can't wear open toe shoes, is there a rule like that for cashiers?

I would think it would be the same for everybody, as it's a safety issue. Anyone can get their toes run over by a cart, etc.
Welcome to The Break Room! Like commie said, wear shoes that you can stand comfortably in for several hours.

I would think it would be the same for everybody, as it's a safety issue. Anyone can get their toes run over by a cart, etc.

This. Same shoe standards for everyone. You also can't have your heels exposed, so crocs and such are pretty much out of the question, too.

Make sure you have very comfortable shoes. Your back tends to hurt if you don't, even with those mats. Anything is acceptable so long as they are closed toe and not showing heel.

I also have a full time job and I'm hired as a part timer but I still get scheduled 28-35 hours a week. Good luck at Target and have fun! Sell those red cards =P
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Thanks guys for all your replys. I am very excited and can't wait to start. My full time job is a sit at desk for 8 hours job so I am excited for something totally different and new! :excited: Thanks for making me feel welcomed here!
Welcome to the forum, hope everything went well for ya! B)
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