Im Eli or as they call me at my store E-Man....long story. Ive been with the company for 6 years now. I currently serve as SrTL for logistics at my store (if you have Flow or Backroom questions i can help you). Before logistics I was a HL TL, before that HL specialist, before that MMB Specialist, Before that backroom, before that Flow, Before that USArmy. I con currently serve in the Navy reserves and just got back from Afghanistan last February. I got a call from my STL while i was deployed and asked me if I wanted to do Logisstics when i get back, I said yes! Its been a roller coaster ride eversince. But I love it!
I love doing what I do because i love working with team members. At my store i am known for my outside the box thinking. Which either got me recognitions or in trouble 🙂.
These days I love sleeping and watching reruns of TopGear UK when i dont work. Thats me in a nutshell. Man this feels like talent day!
Feel free to ask any questions about the job at anytime.
I love doing what I do because i love working with team members. At my store i am known for my outside the box thinking. Which either got me recognitions or in trouble 🙂.
These days I love sleeping and watching reruns of TopGear UK when i dont work. Thats me in a nutshell. Man this feels like talent day!
Feel free to ask any questions about the job at anytime.
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