Archived Hi

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May 25, 2013
Hi everyone. I'm a PPTL, with approximately ten months of experience at Target. I worked over the holidays and you could practically hear my ETLs rubbing their hands together because I'm always in motion and I'm a bit OCD, and they REALLY needed a PTL, so I got that in January, and then our store dropped a workchart and they handed me Price Accuracy, with exactly one day's training, and no time allocated to actually leading Price Accuracy. And since then, things have been pretty bad. I was given a coaching just before taking on PA, and while my performance after the coaching didn't improve (not for lack of trying, there were definitely extenuating circumstances), my overall performance did, but they still gave me a corrective. I'm a bit disillusioned right now about my job, and I seriously don't like my new STL. To be fair, not a lot of people do because she seems to be very focused on helping the logistics team and doesn't care about any other process except when she gets a call about the metrics. We've had two other TLs quit, and a whole mess of TMs, because morale in our store is now officially shot. I came here to hopefully get some insight into how to improve, but it sort of looks like it isn't me, it's corporate. I guess we've got to "just keep swimming."
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to the Break Room.

I'm sorry you're swimming in that kind of dreck.
Any time you need to vent we're here.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to the Break Room.

I'm sorry you're swimming in that kind of dreck.
Any time you need to vent we're here.
Illegitimi non carborundum.

LOLOL, I just today posted a paper above my unused desk with "Illegitimi non carborundum" printed on it!
Thanks, I'll be looking around a bit. I just double checked the hours for the short week in August, and our store only has 33 hours forecasted right now, I'm thinking of taking a few days off.
How is it that you only have 33 hours for that week? I have about 105 hours for that week and I'm only a B-volume store
Well, it's probably not been updated for our store yet, but there are less than 30 POGs, including the New DVDs endcap, in the adjacency calendar. It's not likely to go over 100 for us, we're a very low volume store. Of course, the week after shows over 200 hours already. And my ETLs don't believe in giving us extra time to catch up or maybe even *gasp* work ahead...
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