Archived hours budget

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May 5, 2013
How common is it for even a ULV store to have 3-4 closers on average? It seems to everyone at my store that we are trying to be a model store by staying far under our labor budget. However, it also severely impairs our ability to finish our work on time. It is not uncommon for us to go two days with the same reshop up front because our dayside Electronics associate is too busy doing POGs and signage and our closer has two extra departments to run.

Yet when District or above show up (seemingly a monthly event) we drop everything to zone the entire place from top to bottom.

Are we supposed to be running this tight? or are we being made into a Potemkin village for the higher-ups so our execs maintain their bonuses?
Theoretically your hours should be allocated to your STL based on your projected stales, then he allocates hours further based on department projected sales.

And yes, you should be running this tightly.
Ridiculous. We had four people taking down ad tonight. It's pathetic how little we can get done because of a skimpy budget. I'm not saying we need 30 on the floor every night, but when we have full racks in the fitting room that just get pawned off for two or three days, isn't there something wrong with this?
I have to change my availability so I could get hours.

Last time I worked 4am-1230pm Logistics Backroom. Now I worked 930am-6pm Backroom Dayside. Lost $40 per paycheck because of shift differential gone but hey, I gained 40hrs per week.
My store is ulv also and we are down to 4 closers most nights, the only way we accomplish reshop is partnerships by logistics/front end/lods.
My store usually has 2 closers in hardlines, 1 in electronics (that also does toys), 2 in softlines, and the operator who basically turns into softlines after 7ish. Both my softlines TMs were 1-2 hours late last night causing me (the operator) to be the only one doing ad takedown in softlines. I didn't even finish my zone.
I work in a lv store with high risks. It happens. A LOT. At that point, we're told to zone as we go and mainly focus on reshops so that we're clear for the night and are free of strays. That way overnight helps us with the zone and the morning team does touch ups. With visits, you will always see chickens running around with their heads cut off. The key is to maintain throughout the day, and TL's and ETL's should really emphasize that in huddles throughout the day. As for hours, your ETL can borrow from other workcenters but it's more based on the need and the type of worker you are. I had a week where I was under 3 different workcenters just so I could have hrs to be on the salesflr to help. There are ways, it's just more about networking around the store to get them.
Thanks, we just got a fairly new TM for electronics. He actually has a brain, and your situation last night sounds exactly like what happened at my store.
Supers have it a little better, but not much. I think we've pretty much given up preparing on night before announced visits at this point, as we're just trying to keep up on POGs with the awful hours we have. I honestly suspect that, when it comes to Softlines, the visitors look for gaps on tables and in shoes and that's it.
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