Archived Hours cut - less tm's to handle work load

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Sep 6, 2018
I'm at what is considered to be a pretty busy Target store, yet the powers-that-be have cut hours, resulting in less team members on the floor that can reasonably handle the amount of work that is expected to get done by one human being. That stress is affecting morale. How are things at your store?
I'm at what is considered to be a pretty busy Target store, yet the powers-that-be have cut hours, resulting in less team members on the floor that can reasonably handle the amount of work that is expected to get done by one human being. That stress is affecting morale. How are things at your store?

Yesterday we had a double truck that my store began unloading at 2am, now I came in at 4am and helped a bit until I was sent somewhere else. When i left at 10am, they were STILL UNLOADING. On the 2nd truck, but still...8 hours....

So yeah...skeleton crew
My etl is butt hurt I got a second job and cut my availability but tbh not one person with open availability has gotten over 23hrs since christmas last year. Why waste my time hoping to get more hours (and I WILL NOT beg) when I can take matters into my own hands. Corporate is asking to go under with their idiotic decisions. You CANNOT run a business without a streamlined logistics process for a long period of time. They will learn but it will cost them.
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I'm at what is considered to be a pretty busy Target store, yet the powers-that-be have cut hours, resulting in less team members on the floor that can reasonably handle the amount of work that is expected to get done by one human being. That stress is affecting morale. How are things at your store?

Same, unfortunately. 🙄
Oh but the starting wage is $12 an hour. You have to earn it. Haven't you gotten that koolaid speech yet.
Meanwhile the ETLs are all upstairs in the STls office laughing their asses off at who is going to quit next....True story

Sadly all too true. Here the starting wage I have heard HRTM offer is $14.50 and most of these kids nowhere near earn it. And I say kids since the overwhelming majority of people hired on in the last couple of months have been teenage kids. We are not really getting adults that want to work here or if we do they "nope the fuck out." after working just a couple shifts. One lady who was a transfer from another store has told me she would just NCNS if she wasn't a transfer she wouldn't do that to her old store. But that my store is a fucking shit show and asked if it had always been like this. Cause she would have never transferred here if she knew it was like this.
Sad to hear these problems.
2300 truck was clean by 12 with 2 callouts today

Well, for hardlines anyway
This process has real promise.I honestly believe it. But leading by fear, (you're replaceable anytime. Don't like it? Quit)demeaning team members (you're too fat, you're too slow) and cutting corners or tweaking it is dooming it in my building. You need to follow each process for the next to work. Just giving less hours to team members you want to quit is total chicken shit leadership
All the BR hours after 4pm are gone at my store recently. I've been getting scheduled as OPU pick to come in and more or less pick up the shit off the floor everyone left just to get asked why I can't do eight hours of work in 4.75 hours.
Just make sure when guests complain you give them the corporate number with the name of the STL or ETL who thinks this scheduling is perfectly ok. Make sure to tell them that there is nothing you can do, this is what is wanted and expected so please voice your concern where it was thought up. 🙂
Are you at a low volume store? I have gotten overtime the past 4 weeks at my store, especially since we are short staffed.
Front end was cut dramatically. But there's hope. The lack of cashiers drove away business, so it's manageable now.

We're in the Best Buy downward spiral.

A lot of guests walk in, see two cashiers and two long lines, and walk right back out. I don’t blame them, since stores like that usually have a lot of empty shelves because there’s no one to push either.🙄
Oh but the starting wage is $12 an hour. You have to earn it. Haven't you gotten that koolaid speech yet.
Meanwhile the ETLs are all upstairs in the STls office laughing their asses off at who is going to quit next....True story

LOL Not in my district. There's a rumor going around that the DTL had told all the Store Directors (STLs) and Leaders (ETLs) to either get on board with the new program or jump ship. So far, around 13 ETLs have jumped ship since the new program came out. Everyone is stressed the fuck out, the bosses, the TMs... everyone. The new logistics program screwed us over and now we're cutting hours left and right to make up for it.
I will never forget the night that after the store closed, the remaining TM's were working hard to get the remaining go backs done. At some point, I heard the closing ETL call me over the walkie, telling me to come to the men's department to pick up a shirt. I was over in infant basics which was nearby, but still, I had to wonder, why the heck didn't he just pick up the shirt?

We finally had to stop doing the left over go backs, because of the late hour. As we were all heading to the timeclock, the closing ETL announced overhead something like "Well you all disappointed me tonight. You didn't get it done." Wow - what an insult...
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Well today was a clusterfuck.
To start, I was sent home early yesterday to cut my OT. one hour later my entire team was sent home due to payroll which o wasn't informed was a problem.

1. Truck was added on thurs for today and we supposedly couldn't move it.
2. Truck driver is supposed to swap the load on dock 3. Instead he dropped the load on dock 4 and pull off a empty sitting on dock2. Fortunately it wasn't dock 1 or 5.
3. Because of #2, we didn't have enough length of line to reach the back of the truck.
4. Because of #1, recieving was not organized or clean, costing me 45 min of my team to clean up and set.
#5 and final. The truck was added for Sunday, today. Very hard to get people to come in on request for Sunday. I was able to collect 12 names.
1 call out, 2 ncns, 1 late.
That's 9 people left. NINE! 5 showed up to unload and 4 people at 8am to push. Took 4 hours to unload and all 9 left by 1pm.
Recieving is trashed
I will never forget the night that after the store closed, the remaining TM's were working hard to get the remaining go backs done. At some point, I heard the closing ETL call me over the walkie, telling me to come to the men's department to pick up a shirt. I was over in infant basics which was nearby, but still, I had to wonder, why the heck didn't he just pick up the shirt?

We finally had to stop doing the left over go backs, because of the late hour. As we were all heading to the timeclock, the closing ETL announced overhead something like "Well you all disappointed me tonight. You didn't get it done." Wow - what an insult...

That was low down, low class and unworthy of any leader. What an asshat.🙄
So I stopped by our store yesterday and checked the schedule for the next two weeks. I overheard one of our HR ladies at the desk calling TM's and she was either telling the TM or leaving them messages, to not to come in for work the next day because they are cutting hours. Before I left the office, I spoke with her a bit. Ironically a few hours later, I was one of those TM's she called to not come in to work on my next scheduled work day, which was only a 4 hour work day.

For a place, that when it first opened in my area, prided itself on looking better than "those other department stores", Target is falling short lately.
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