Guests no longer come first. It did not matter how much work we had to do, I was in Price Accurracy & we always had too much to do, but they drilled it into our heads that greeting every guest, responding to back up, etc, was our FIRST priority. My store is in a very affluent So. Cal area where guests demand it. That no longer is the case. Half the people now on the floor can't speak English, therefore can't help guests & have to find a TM who speaks English, was no big deal when they worked overnight, and we are constantly in the guests way. I no longer answer backup calls & try as hard as I can to not make eye contact with any guests out of fear that they may ask for help & then I'll get a performace coaching for not finishing my work. 7 years with Spot. NEVER got a coaching ever, for anything. Not until Modernization. Now all of a sudden I'm worthless.