Hours not working out

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new kid
Aug 16, 2013
Well, my fiance and I have decided that the hours I am working are not working out for us. The company culture just isn't working for me either.

I am under 90 days, so I'm guessing it would be appropriate to give my 2 week notice (which is the right thing)? I have heard bad things about people doing the right thing...

Thanks for any advice.
Yep, just give your notice and do the proper follow through.
Shouldn't be a problem.
Sorry things turned out so bad.
Working your 2week notice is the best. You might decide to try Target again in the future. Right now, pay, hours and schedule suck at Target. There are some that just up and leave with no notice, and are put on no-rehire status.
Never burn bridges anywhere. No matter how much the job may suck, you never know if life is going to force you back into it. When I had quit Target, I had no plans to ever set foot in retail again. Life worked out differently and keeping a good relationship with the staff allowed me to glide through the hiring process.
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