This. This is the story of my life.... EVERY SINGLE DAY, " oh we need you to help out in H&B/softlines/etc "... There are probably only 5 or 6 people my ETL-Log is NOT willing to fire right now.. The rest she is absolutely ready to boot.
I will tell you this and it is the honest to god truth.
When I was a GSTL when I first was promoted to TL I had 4 cart attendants. Of those 4, the best one we had was the one with a mental disability. Literally ran circles around the other 3.
Now, about the other 3. Most of them "disappeared" in the parking lot for 45 mins at a time, refused to clean the bathrooms, never smiled, and couldn't even manage getting a decent amount of carts in.
About a month after I was promoted, I went to the ETL-GE and ETL-HR and said we needed to fire these 3. They both laughed at me and said "Why?" I listed the above reasons. They said "So, you think terming them will fix the problem?" I said "YES!". They said "You'll never get anyone better".
I thought that was bull sh**. Eventually I managed to get them termed over a few months time. Not all of them of course, but one gone every other month or so.
Guess what? My ETL-GE and ETL-HR were right. In fact, the new ones (who seemed good at the interview) turned out to be even worse!
The fact is, for what target pays and the few benefits they now offer, it is very hard to get a "good" TM in the door. (it has been easier during the recession, but remember I am talking about when unemployment was 4%) Now that the unemployment rate is dropping, the same situation will occur. Yea, every now and then you will get lucky and get a good TM. Fact is, that one good TM is rare and is only going to be in 1 in 10 TMs. Doesn't matter how many you term.... most of the replacements will simply not be high performers.