Archived how do I be cross trained

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I done cashier for 4 years.

And you haven't tried to do Guest Service or Food?
Those are the fastest and easiest.
If you've been doing cashier for that long the powers that be figure you don't want to do anything else.

Unless you push for more you aren't going to get it.
And unfortunately you often have to start with stuff you might not like doing.
It was for another retail company not target.
Learn your work center, first. Then try to learn other areas. What confusing is, that you have 4 years of experience from another retail job, how can you get crazy on a missing receipt? Stay focus on cashiering & complete all tasks assigned by GSA/gstl. Get more red cards & esp's!
Guest service training is immersion by fire hose. There is so much to learn in so little time, that if someone makes it a couple of months, I encourage them to just read through the book at that time, and now that they have a good grasp of everything, there's a lot more in there that they can learn that will either make more sense or will enhance what they already know.

You could say this a thousand times for Market training when I "Pfresh Train" someone it is always super fast and a joke because it is always probably at least 6 months before they would ever touch a market pull, I expect them to forget everything, as ALMOST everything in market needs to become a Habit. When they actually start working over here is when I actually give them the run down.

This and the fact that I have 6 pulls I have to push out.
Cashier i want to get out of and do other things.
Might be a Catch-22.
If you're good at getting redcards, leadership will want to keep you where you are. If you STOP being good at getting redcards, you might be performanced out.
First & foremost, you have to show that you're capable of your current job or leadership won't consider you able to do anything else. If you aren't good at what you're doing now, they won't waste time/training on you for another position. You have to prove that you can learn whatever they throw at you.
That sucks . Cashier sucks and I want to do other stuff.
Why apply as a cashier if you think cashiering sucks? Especially if you'd already done it before, so knew that you thought it sucked beforehand.
Both times I applied at Spot, I applied for something besides cashier. Both times I was hired (turned it down the first time at the first store) I was hired as a cashier. As soon as they found out I had cashier experience they insisted on putting me there.
Bleh. Abysmal pay is bad enough, let alone abysmal pay and no choice in workcenter.
Make sure you're in good standing, make sure your learning plan is complete. From there, start conversing with the Team leads in other departments and hound them about getting training. The good standing part is key as the departments will generally be stingy about training and not enamored about expending it on someone who may be a problem performer. You must show interest. Once you have your foot in the door it's a simple matter of constant pressure to get through it. It can be done. I was initially flow and made it to salesfloor/Specialist.
I applied for other positions this was the only bullshit that was open.
I have done truck before and stocking.
Do you act like this at work? Calling your current workcenter "bullshit" when you want to cross-train is probably not going to help your case.
They'll either learn to appreciate/develop what their paychecks are signed for and advance, or wonder why their job sucks for the rest of their lives and they always have to do the same stuff.[/reality check]
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