Archived how do you become a team leader?

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DMNDZ bruhh

Former Backroom Dayside
Apr 13, 2012
im pritty sure this question was asked here but i cant find it. what are the requirements and process and all of that? do i HAVE to have my AA? im pritty sure my LOG TLs dont have degrees or at least are trying at the moment
Nope, at this point the only requirement for a TL is a high school diploma. To move up from TM to TL you will have to pass a series of interviews with management all the way up to and including your DTL. If you have a position open you are able to apply directly. Without a position open, you can still do your interviews and when you pass you are placed "On The Bench", which essentially means TL-in-waiting and you are able to take any position that opens within the next year.
-Learn as much as possible. Always take on more than the bare minimum and learn new areas.
-Demonstrate FFF all the time!
-Keep positive and be patient!
lol im no ass kisser, i get shi t done because it needs to be done, i always set the bar high for me
The most common steps to become a TL:
1. Head to HBA and purchase some chapstick
2. Proceed to the front lanes and purchase the chapstick
3. Walk back to your eHR Kiosk
4. Apply for the position
5. Then simply apply chapstick, walk up & pucker up to the area ETL.

From my experience
It really depends on your store environment. Two types.
1. If your store has store politics or the buddy system, then it all depends on who you know and buddies with. The people that love to kiss ass and be an ETL's brown noser get the push. No joke. You might have to fight hard to get your name heard with this scenario.

2. If your store is on the up and up & morale is good and productive. Work hard on the areas you work in. Communicate all you goals and accomplishments to your TL and ETL. Write lots of GTC or Vibe-whatever-now cards. Take charge of your assignments. Go the extra step. Take on new responsibilities.

My last store was geared for Type 2 for a long time. I was praised and pushed to be a TL. I took another outside job opportunity along with a Target in another state. While I was gone, leadership changed occured; new STL, new ETLs, new TLs. Then when I came back, it became Type 1. Everyone that previously earned their positions left for other stores or opportunities, while those that were given their new positions abused their positions and kept everyone down. Don't be surprised that Outside hires or Transfers will get opportunities over internals. Within the last 3 years I worked at that store, no internals interviewed or promoted. All positions were filled by outside hires or transfers.
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Take a deep breath and drink the kool-aid.
I'm afraid that you aren't going to get very nowadays without being willing to use the lingo, jump when they say frog and smile, smile, smile.
Being global, able to work at ninety miles an hour and stay green at all times will keep the job but stay neat, clean and well advised will get you the job.
Take a deep breath and drink the kool-aid.
I'm afraid that you aren't going to get very nowadays without being willing to use the lingo, jump when they say frog and smile, smile, smile.
Being global, able to work at ninety miles an hour and stay green at all times will keep the job but stay neat, clean and well advised will get you the job.
Don't be late or call out, either.
To be honest, when I worked at target all it was about was making a good impression. How is your standing with your stores leadership? If its questonable, it is highly unlikely that you will get the promotion at your location. You also should talk, and I mean TALK to some TL's at your store. Get a vibe from them about what life would be like on a day to day basis as a new TL in YOUR store. It can largely vary from location to location; if you are in an area where your store is peak in the district for sales, conversion and attachments then you are in luck! You will have all the tools needed to succeed if you know how to play your cards. If your store was more like mine, with high expectations for sales and frequent low numbers, you will have little to no resourses to help you. TM's will be pulled from your area all the time and your tasks can become almost impossible to finish before you are expected to divert your attention to something else. Keep in mind that we are all human. No matter how efficient your stores leadership expects you to be, you can only do so much as a single individual.
Its gonna depend on your store and the ETL's & STL in position. All I had to do when I was a TM was work harder than everyone else, take on as many projects that went beyond my core roles as I could find, and have a good track record as far as attendance and reliability goes. I was asked to apply for TL because I deserved it and everyone (or at least mostly everyone) knew I would succeed. That being said, I also exist in a building where promotions have been given solely because of recommendations, the STL trying to prove he knows better than the ETLs, and at times just because the position was open and needed to be filled.
How do you become a TL? Easy.

1. Be dedicated to the job. Do your job very well, and particularly better than everyone else. (considering 98% of TMs have no interest in promoting and honestly don't try to go above and beyond in their job, this is pretty easy) You have to do this consistently, though. There are no "easy" days. Every day you come in, you have to be dedicated to doing extremely well.

2. Have a good attitude.

3. Do not get too personal with anyone. That means to stay out of the drama in the store at all times.

4. Don't try to be a TL. You are not a TL until you are. That means don't think that by going around trying to tell people what to do or spending your days snitching is going to get you ahead. I have seen countless TMs who probably would have made it to TL completely blow it because they thought going around trying to assume authority over people would impress someone. It never does, it just makes you look like an ass. It causes TMs to become your enemies, it makes TLs feel you are challenging them for authority, and it makes ETLs have to slap you down when you overstep your authority.

That's it. It really is that simple, and it worked really well for me.
One major (yet simple) piece of advice: have near-perfect attendance. No one is going to promote you to TL if they question your reliability. Only call in when absolutely necessary (ie: a sickness that will be very visible to guests, etc).

As we all know, there isn't much over-scheduling at Target. Your ETL needs to know that you will show up to work because when you don't, your dept will really suffer.
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