Archived How do you deal with the stress?

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Run. Learn a new language. Pick up hobbies. On the job, stress is harder to deal with. I like to fixate on certain things, like a perfectly zoned or cleaned section. It may not last five or ten minutes, but it looks amazing when it's right. I like to organize the apples. Straight rows. No blemishes. So nice.
At the end of the day, all we do is sell toilet paper. When your exec or your team lead get all pissy or a guest is yelling at you, just remember that. This is not a life altering occupation you've chosen. If the guest doesn't get that Lilly or your TL doesn't get his way or your exec doesn't like the color red you're wearing, so what? No one's gonna die or even care in an hour. Tell them you're doing the best you can and then do the best you can.
Let me add something to this as I was thinking at work tonight.

After you've told them that you're doing your best,, laugh to yourself about how serious they are about selling toilet paper. Really, Cashier/TL/Guest/ETL/STL (whoever is riding your ass at any particular moment)? You're gonna pee your pants because the zone wasn't perfect? Or we were 1+3 on the lanes for two minutes? Or we didn't have the flavor Icee you wanted? Yep, first world problems. There are still children starving in India, dying in Pakistan, sold as slaves in Thailand. Get over yourself.

I promise if you look at it like that, you won't stress nearly as much.
I live in a state that has legalized green. That's usually what most people at my store do. Not for everyone.

But picking up a hobby outside of work helps to change the pace after a stressful day.

I don't think about it, I work a slightly above minimum retail job, if I get fired there's a dozen other stores within walking distance that can hire me.
Also 2/3rds my GSA/GSTLs being mostly pretty young women around my age makes good chemistry, stress goes away real quick. They are too busy riding cashiers asses for red cards to bother the cart attendant 😎
Not care.

I really have to question normal TMs that let this job get to them. If you're not a TL or above, there's no way you should be stressing over something like Target

I used to let it get to me. So much so that it was making me consider leaving after only a month. However, as I got more acclimated to my environment, and how things (and different people) work, I was able to get the hang of things. Being a top performer in my work center, as well as being ready and willing to jump into other work centers, has helped to keep people from hassling me over petty things.
Personally I curl in a ball and cry after every shift but I think that might just be me.

Not care.

I really have to question normal TMs that let this job get to them. If you're not a TL or above, there's no way you should be stressing over something like Target

I get stressed even though I'm "only a cashier" because I care deeply about my job and who I work with, and I already have an extremely low threshold for stress.
I'm a GSA and I have a lot of ways to help myself just stay calm. I'm the only male leader on the front end, the other 2 GSAs and 2 GSTLs are female. I feel like there's a bit of a gender gap since they all seem to be cool and hang out/text each other, and they don't seem to like me much. BUT! I remember that I am well-liked by the team, I easily get their buy-in. I drive REDcards and GE better than the other GSAs and I don't get involved with drama. Some of the cashiers even ask me "How do you stay so calm when someone is yelling at you?????"

Just remember that it's only Target and to take some risks. If you need to try something new to impact the store, try it. If it doesn't work out then stop doing it and try something else. Unless you have REALLY BAD LEADERSHIP, you won't get in trouble. At least, I haven't.
Not care.

I really have to question normal TMs that let this job get to them. If you're not a TL or above, there's no way you should be stressing over something like Target
Well, I guess you would just question the hell out of me. Why? Because I am just a team member...yet I get stressed out. I care about how I do my yes I get stressed out when I feel that I am doing the work of three people and its still not enough for them. Stress doesn't just come to those in leadership comes to anyone who actually care about their job enough to do a good job. I also try to leave my stress with Spot at work...cause in the end its just a job...not my life.
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Then stop doing the work of 3 people. That worked for me. I started on during seasonal a few years back and I "busted my ass" so they would keep me one. After seasonal I noticed that regular TMs and such would call out every week, not get written up, and such and out TL just said we need to work harder. That's when I realized that even when I work harder, I still get paid the same. So from that point on, I worked at me pace, fast enough to where people wouldn't say I'm slow but not fast enough to where I'd panic because I need to finish stocking 3 aisles instead of one before the team moves on.

I know everyone is different but I seriously can't comprehend why anyone would work themselves to the point of balling up and crying when that type of effort isn't needed and the TM level. Our Signing TM cries (can be heard in the bathroom) when she can't finish price change. I heard of things like this and just can't understand why do they still "give a fuck."

I think it's a work center thing. Logistics has pretty much mastered the art of not giving a fuck. We realize that there's isn't enough time to do everything and sometimes the work sucks, The CA market has mastered it as well. In fact, it seems like mostly Softline and front ends are the ones always crying and they'll keep doing it until they realize that guest suck and there is nothing you can do to change it so stop caring.

Sorry for being blunt, but that's how I feel. Stress isn't healthy and people should learn to just say fuck the guest and not care more.

Well, I guess you would just question the hell out of me. Why? Because I am just a team member...yet I get stressed out. I care about how I do my yes I get stressed out when I feel that I am doing the work of three people and its still not enough for them. Stress doesn't just come to those in leadership comes to anyone who actually care about their job enough to do a good job. I also try to leave my stress with Spot at work...cause in the end its just a job...not my life.

The other problem is that if you care about doing all of your job right than there is a good chance you will piss off the bosses.
You see they want you to do the parts they think are important and it that takes doing the other parts half-assed well fine. just don't tell them about it and we'll all pretend it's not happening that way.
I discovered the hard way that telling an ETL that you don't intend to blow something off so I could take care of her issues is not how to win friends and influence people.
Caring about your work doesn't always go over well.
Then stop doing the work of 3 people. That worked for me. I started on during seasonal a few years back and I "busted my ass" so they would keep me one. After seasonal I noticed that regular TMs and such would call out every week, not get written up, and such and out TL just said we need to work harder. That's when I realized that even when I work harder, I still get paid the same. So from that point on, I worked at me pace, fast enough to where people wouldn't say I'm slow but not fast enough to where I'd panic because I need to finish stocking 3 aisles instead of one before the team moves on.

I know everyone is different but I seriously can't comprehend why anyone would work themselves to the point of balling up and crying when that type of effort isn't needed and the TM level. Our Signing TM cries (can be heard in the bathroom) when she can't finish price change. I heard of things like this and just can't understand why do they still "give a fuck."

I think it's a work center thing. Logistics has pretty much mastered the art of not giving a fuck. We realize that there's isn't enough time to do everything and sometimes the work sucks, The CA market has mastered it as well. In fact, it seems like mostly Softline and front ends are the ones always crying and they'll keep doing it until they realize that guest suck and there is nothing you can do to change it so stop caring.

Sorry for being blunt, but that's how I feel. Stress isn't healthy and people should learn to just say fuck the guest and not care more.
I can understand what you are saying. However, just as all stores are not the same...all team members are not they same. I know some people who honestly go into their shift and don't give a crap about anything. They do just enough to get by and that's fine with them. I am different, in my approach to any job be it Spot or anywhere else. I feel as though I need to give it my all and work my butt off....that's just how I was raised. When, I say that I get stressed....I am referring to going home at the end of the day and having to leave a tub of drives me nuts. Even though, I know for a fact I went over and beyond what other team members got done that day. I know there is never enough time in a shift to get all things done that need to be done and they expect to be done. I posted a comment in the Market thread about inventory the other day...because I was stressed out that the Freezer in the BR looked like crap days before inventory. I know I was responsible for getting it prepped yet, I had to find the time to make it happen. I stayed almost three hours after my scheduled time to get it done and was never even thanked . I didn't expect it....I did it cause I knew it needed to be done and felt it was my place to do it . While, I feel this way mostly because that's how I am as a stores leadership doesn't help any. They know certain Tms will bust their ass while others they will push the hard workers to do more while the others just goof off all day. When the time comes for me to leave Spot I will be able to say that I did right them....the issue is they wont be able to say the same
I can understand what you are saying. However, just as all stores are not the same...all team members are not they same. I know some people who honestly go into their shift and don't give a crap about anything. They do just enough to get by and that's fine with them. I am different, in my approach to any job be it Spot or anywhere else. I feel as though I need to give it my all and work my butt off....that's just how I was raised. When, I say that I get stressed....I am referring to going home at the end of the day and having to leave a tub of drives me nuts. Even though, I know for a fact I went over and beyond what other team members got done that day. I know there is never enough time in a shift to get all things done that need to be done and they expect to be done. I posted a comment in the Market thread about inventory the other day...because I was stressed out that the Freezer in the BR looked like crap days before inventory. I know I was responsible for getting it prepped yet, I had to find the time to make it happen. I stayed almost three hours after my scheduled time to get it done and was never even thanked . I didn't expect it....I did it cause I knew it needed to be done and felt it was my place to do it . While, I feel this way mostly because that's how I am as a stores leadership doesn't help any. They know certain Tms will bust their ass while others they will push the hard workers to do more while the others just goof off all day. When the time comes for me to leave Spot I will be able to say that I did right them....the issue is they wont be able to say the same

im a do the job right while busting your ass person too, but target just doesnt deserve it. I'm putting that fire into getting the hell out of this shithole company.
Any Breaking Bad fans here? I watched an interview with Bryan Cranston where he talks about dealing with stress. He said that playing Walter White put a lot of stress on him, and in order to deal with it he would come home, change, and take a long shower.
I've gotten into the habit of doing the same thing. I see working sort of like playing a character. Think about it. You don't act that much like your normal self at work. My normal self would probably walk away or retaliate if someone was being rude to me. Here, I "vibe". In real life, if someone tells you to do something that's completely illogical and unrealistic, you say "fuck no, that's stupid." At work, you say "yes sir" and just do it anyway.
So this may be a weird technique, but I like to tell myself: "This is just a performance." whenever something stresses me out. Yes, on the inside I'm like a freaking volcano, but on the outside I can act my way out of it.
Then when I get home, I take off my uniform, immediately change into some sweatpants, and do something the real me would do. Like write in a journal or mindlessly watch hours of television.
I want to echo what Bullselle said. I've worked with the public (retail, restaurants, fast food, etc.) for far too long. But I still get complimented occasionally in person and a lot on the survey for being perky and cheerful. That's my job. I'll be honest -- scanning people's items and placing them in a bag is not worth $10/hr. A self-checkout kiosk could do the same. Several years ago, as a fast food cashier in a busy urban store, I understood that my real job is to be the perky girl and make the experience fun and thus encourage people to spend more money.

I'm not a terribly extroverted person but rather pretty introverted. My perky cashier role is a job, a character. The trick is to have it not come out completely fake and make it obvious that you're dead inside but rather to appear genuine.

Indeed, most guests are fine, I have some interesting conversations with them. It's good when people have a large order and already have a REDcard so I can talk about something else and interact like two normal human beings. So yes, work can actually be fun at times. But then you have scammers and bitchy people and that can stick with you. But that's when you go into the breakroom and mock the guests or vent in other ways, such as complaining online.

I really do have to get out of this line of work and into something less stressful or that at least pays a living wage (work stress + financial stress = bad times). But for now, just try to have fun outside of work.
Lol you forgot Jill that you need either a glass of wine or a beer to wash it down with
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