Archived How do you get to work?

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Running on empty. Thank god I only drive 2.5 miles one way to work.
My truck and in 2 months a motorcycle 😎
I don't have a car right now (and didn't when I worked at Spot, because I didn't get my license until relatively recently...), so I mainly get rides or take the bus in worst case scenario. I am looking into getting a vehicle within the next month or so.
I drive about 15 minutes. I'd love to bike it but I would be taking a bunch of back roads instead of a straight shot down the freeway and I don't feel like waking up at 2am to get to work at 4am. Or 4am to get to work at 6am.
Car - takes about 20-22 minutes in the morning and about 25 min on the way home. I actually like my drive to and from work. Gives me time to amp myself up for the day on the way to work and calm down a lil ( if its been a bad day) on the way home .
Car, about 5 minutes. It wouldn't be worth it for me personally if I had to drove 20+ minutes for the low pay.
It used to take me 20 minutes to get to my store, but I moved closer and I use SO much less gas now, I actually save enough to go and do social things every once in a while... Too bad I work almost every weekend. So much for work/life balance...
It used to take me 20 minutes to get to my store, but I moved closer and I use SO much less gas now, I actually save enough...
I used to commute 8 miles to an office job (20ish minute ride on a good day) and went thru sooo much gas. Now I fill up once every two weeks, if that. Its nice to be able to use my paychecks toward other things.
I live very close, so it's just about a 10 minute car ride. With traffic it can be around 15-20.
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