Long answer, maybe more than you were looking for, but I have a lot of experience balancing multiple jobs, specifically including Target, so I thought at least one person might find this useful...
I currently have, in all seriousness, 6 jobs I work consistently.
2 self employment/1099, 4 regular employment/W-2. Target is one of my W-2s.
It sounds like a lot, but in practice it's not really.
Think of it like school + a part time job + extracurriculars, but the adulting version.
1. How do you balance / make your schedule flexible?
I balance my schedule by making parts of my schedule inflexible, based on my personal goals and priorities.
I've worked for Target off and on, always part time, since 2000. I have always been upfront with Target management about my schedule and Target being at least 2nd in line priority wise, but I've also always provided Target with a clear and consistent weekly availability that includes some less desirable, difficult to cover shifts. Find small ways such as this to provide extra value, and management is far more likely to accommodate your scheduling requests.
2. Do you prioritize one job over the other? (ex: better pay, better hours, better benefits)
yes, i prioritize in this order, to give you some context and examples of the reasoning:
1) W-2 Passion Job, not consistent hours but I love it and it is my second highest paying W-2
2) W-2 Random Enjoyable Job, highest paying W-2 with most consistent schedule and guaranteed minimum number of hours per week
3) 1099 Passion Job - 6-8 hours a week, always on the same day of the week, I treat this like my weekend.
4) Self Employment - only 5-10 hours a week, whenever it fits in
5) Target - least consistent and lowest paying W-2, but I'm a lifer, so here we are.
6) W-2 Passion Job No. 2 - high hourly rate but project based and sporadic scheduling
3. Tips on handling exhaustion / burnt out?
Block Scheduling - google calendars is ideal. Put in your work schedules, school/social schedule, and then block out chunks of time for sleeping, eating, basic life stuff.
Set clear boundaries and expectations with employers/clients - I disclosed in my Target interviews the complexities of my schedule and availability. I then reiterated during the scheduling part of orientation, and anytime Target schedules me at a time that I am unavailable- which will happen, don't take it personally. Politely but firmly discuss with a TL or HR and move on.
Hydrate - seriously.
Schedule your sleep.
Schedule a consistent weekly day off, if possible. If a full day off isn't an option, schedule a consistent block of time, like 5-8 hours, for yourself weekly.
Turn in time off requests as early as possible to protect your plans and sanity.
4. Do you have a specific day off?
Yes, in each week I have one day totally blocked off for fun stuff & 1099 Passion Job, plus a block (6-8 hours) of rest/recovery/social/self-care time on a second day.