How does changing floor capacities affect inventory.

May 6, 2020
For about a year I have been complaining to my TL that conveniently after the remodel and inventory last year the priorities pulls have been screwed up.

Specifically if it ask me to pull everything to 100% not 75%.

For example I filled an item yesterday in which the capacity was over 50 and the floor count was over 45 (which is already 90%)

I have been adjusting some of the floor capacities for some of these items with higher capacities like above.

Yesterday the TL told me not to adjust the floor capacities anymore.

I said fine and now you will make hitting the 75% goal even harder which is a reflection on the TL not me.


PS I am main filler for my department.
your capacity should match with on the floor . And your on hand should match with on the floor and in the back .
So if capacity is 50 ( true 50) on the floor should be 50 and if on hand is 70 it should say 50 on the floor 20 in the back 70 on hand .
Priorities are triggered to pull when you are at 70% , so essentially you would only pull 30% to get that 100
It’s all about making sure that capacity + on the floor + in the back = on hands .
Are you adjusting SFQ/SFC after you pull? It would reflect the amount you pulled in the SFQ... If not, you might have a data issue. Which would suck because you need to bubble up very specific examples to CSC
Are you adjusting SFQ/SFC after you pull?
Yes but I was told I can no longer do that.

When I get to work the priority pulls in my department are almost over 200 everyday at 3:00 PM.bTherefore I tend to skip the items in which I maybe pull one and do the ones where I am pulling four or more.

As someone mentioned above this is a data issue and my TL doesn't seemed to be concerned WHICH HE SHOULD BE.

We have had a lot of corporate visits lately including yesterday.

I was off these last two days so I am sure they didn't hit the priority goal of 70%+ while I was gone.
Must be dry market, or the store may just group all of gm together as their area to fill. Be happy with your 70% we have to be at 90 but at that point mine as well shoot for 100 so we are usually pretty close to that.
@allnew2 is correct, but I've noticed glitches in my area. And my area is one of two in the store where the TL who's big on data integrity says is really good.
But the TM who helps push in my area has a tendency to overstock, and that skews the numbers. So can understocking.
That said, I've also noticed situation similar to what the OP describes - and my floor capacity and floor count are correct. No clue what the problem is, although maybe the next time it happens I'll do one of those chat bot things, much as I hate it and think it's totally ineffective.
Yes but I was told I can no longer do that.

When I get to work the priority pulls in my department are almost over 200 everyday at 3:00 PM.bTherefore I tend to skip the items in which I maybe pull one and do the ones where I am pulling four or more.

As someone mentioned above this is a data issue and my TL doesn't seemed to be concerned WHICH HE SHOULD BE.

We have had a lot of corporate visits lately including yesterday.

I was off these last two days so I am sure they didn't hit the priority goal of 70%+ while I was gone.
Just to dig in a bit more, by corporate, who exactly do you mean? District/Group/etc. Leaders or actual HQ teams?

And why can't you change SFQ/SFC? If you're not fixing those when you're seeing them off, that's the issue right there.
Yup we are 90% anything below is red 😂
95% for us 🥴


You should be adjusting SFQ and SFC when you see discrepancies. Capacity should reflect what can fit there, Quantity should reflect what is actually there, and as stated above Backroom Quantity should be factored in.

I’m not sure why you’re being told not to update capacities. I would need more context for this because your pulls are based on data, if data is inaccurate you’re pulling what’s either not needed or missing what you actually need.

If the TL is inexperienced and doesn’t understand the importance of this. There is an easy way to show how this all ties together. Pick an aisle, zone to Plano 100%, and update the SFC&SFQ as you go. Then pull the one for one for that aisle. Everything you pull should go out, no backstock. (If you’re able to update the aisle and the Backroom for that area and then pull even better to show how data works)

It’s all data. The first reply hit it on the head. I’m confused as to why the direction is to not update counts for you.
Just to dig in a bit more, by corporate, who exactly do you mean? District/Group/etc. Leaders or actual HQ teams?

And why can't you change SFQ/SFC? If you're not fixing those when you're seeing them off, that's the issue right there.
My highly experienced TL didn't give any reason that made any sense.

Then again like a mentioned why I have to pull everything to capacity all the time is idiotic.

He actually mentioned if the pulls don't hit 70% some other time he is going to give me a CA.

He is not addressing the whole issue that it is a data problem but he doesn't seem to care.

However we have a had a LOT of corporate visits lately so it might be related to that.
I always preached about changing capacities but until they fix them resetting with EVERY new set, I will only be maxing the floor count. If target really believes 83 Colleen Hoover books fit on the floor, imma set that ish to 83 when its full and back stock the rest. I am not setting the capacity to 8 EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK...
The TL relegates Dream Baby to pulling and pushing.

Meanwhile, the numbers keep not adding up.

Finally, an ETL or SD says something to the TL, and the TL says he'll get right on it.

The TL has let a simple task become a problem that he can swoop in and "solve".

(Tell me I'm too cynical.)

My TL is going on vacation for ten days so let's wait and see.
The TL relegates Dream Baby to pulling and pushing.

Meanwhile, the numbers keep not adding up.

Finally, an ETL or SD says something to the TL, and the TL says he'll get right on it.

The TL has let a simple task become a problem that he can swoop in and "solve".

(Tell me I'm too cynical.)

No, no you are not.

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