First, find your ETL and offer to rub their feet & massage their back. Tell them how much you appreciate them as a leader, regardless of how incompetent they may actually be. Tell them you're looking to "develop within the company." Tell them how much you're going to change the world as a TL. Kiss, kiss, kiss all over. Make sure you're really kissing up. Now, if the ETL does not already like you (i.e., you are not one of their favorites -- the Chosen Ones), then disregard all of this advice. Nothing you do will matter. If you are a favorite, then you are on your way to becoming a Target Team Leader.
At this point -- should it be decided that you are a favorite -- your ETL will pass you the jug of 'Kool-Aid'. Drink the whole thing to establish your dominance. Take your Kool-Aid, as it flows through your veins, to your interviews with the STL and DTL. Every word you speak in these interviews must be oozing with Kool-Aid. That will get you the job. Once your bosses are impressed enough with your level of Kool-Aidness, you shall Ascend.
Your coronation then begins. You are paraded all over the store as a new TL. This is if they really like you. If they don't, and you somehow made it to TL, you will just be crapped on from here on out. Congratulations. You have made it. Spend your extra three dollars an hour wisely.