Archived How is the Team Member Discount calculated?

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Feb 9, 2016
So, I purchased some standard food items which in my state, are not taxable, so no sales tax is involved. No coupons or additional discounts were used, and no gift cards, or timecards, or anything like that were purchased--Just food. I did get a $5.00 gift card back for purchasing several of the same item. I'm a little confused then just how Team Member Discount and RedCard savings are calculated based on the following receipt:

SUBTOTAL: $29.55
Your REDcard Savings 5%: $1.11-
NO TAX: $0.00
TOTAL: $26.00

So, double-check my math here, but I get:
TEAM MEMBER DISCOUNT 10%: $2.44- (8.26% of Subtotal)
Your REDcard Savings 5%: 1.11- ($3.76% of Subtotal)
Total Savings: $3.55 (12.01% of Subtotal)

After seeing it all laid out like that, I guess the $5.00 gift card promotion subtracts from the subtotal before discounts are applied? It doesn't add up precisely, but it does approximately:

Team Member Discount: 9.94% of $24.55, which is $29.55, minus $5.00 gift card awarded
RedCard Savings: 5.02% of $22.11, which is $24.55, minus TMD of $2.44

I guess I just needed some space to work this out. Nevermind.
Every time I use my TM Discount, Red Card & Cartwheel = MIND BLOWN!

It's a TOTAL MIND _ _ _ _ ftw
She makes me want to vomit. So many scenarios against coupon policy... "ymmv" doesn't cover encouraging fraud...rawr. I got nabbed from her site. search target for the giant thread. Much safer to try at work.
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