Archived how long do warnings stay on your file for

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Perma Banned
Aug 19, 2014
How long do they stay on your file for and what can you do to remove them?
What do you mean by warning?

A coaching stays on your record for 3 years.
A counseling (signed) is active for 6 months and on your record for 3 years.
A final warning (also signed) is active for 12 months and on your record for 3 years.

Even though they are "on your record" for 3 years, your STL or HR can access them for the entire time you're employed with Target. They never really go away.
They said they were giveing me a oral warning so how long does that stay on your record???
As has been explained to you, an oral warning does not officially exist in Target. However, they may record it (*AND KEEP IT FOREVER* to answer your question). If it happens again, they can point back to this incident and say that you have been talked to about it before and you should know better.
Yea but guests always complain about cashiers that is why im worried how can I get to do hardlines or electronics or market.???
how if it was not a coaching though ????
An oral warning is most likely a documented coaching. They have to shred the form after 2 years, but it stays in your electronic file forever. Target seems to be really huge on micromanagement now. Sucks, I know...
Yea but guests always complain about cashiers that is why im worried how can I get to do hardlines or electronics or market.???

Hahahahahahahaha. You really think guests complain about cashiers more than they complain about the people out on the floor? Oh, goodness no. You're safer on the checklanes. If guests are complaining about you enough for your higher ups to coach you after only being with you for a few seconds, imagine what would happen if you had to help guests for sometimes 30 straight minutes. Nothing but being with that guest and locating every item their heart desires.

I'd just take this as a lesson and start correcting your behavior from here on out.
Not all verbal warnings, or "coachings", are documented. But we're supposed to have a seek to understand conversation, then ignore what the TM said, and deliver a coaching conversation anyway. Then we document what was said and how it will be corrected.

Seek to understand should always be the first and hopefully only step. Coachings should be used for repeat offenses that add up to a CA or FW.

I documented my conversations and kept them in my own locked file cabinet. Then if I saw improvement within a month I shredded it. A coaching isn't supposed to be negative; just a tool to improve opportunities.
Not all verbal warnings, or "coachings", are documented. But we're supposed to have a seek to understand conversation, then ignore what the TM said, and deliver a coaching conversation anyway. Then we document what was said and how it will be corrected.

Seek to understand should always be the first and hopefully only step. Coachings should be used for repeat offenses that add up to a CA or FW.

I documented my conversations and kept them in my own locked file cabinet. Then if I saw improvement within a month I shredded it. A coaching isn't supposed to be negative; just a tool to improve opportunities.

Nothing personal against you at all, but reading your post reminded me of what I can't stand about Target - all the stupid lingo that superficially tries to spin negative things postively. Coaching instead of warning, "seek to understand conversation" (it needs a name?), opportunities instead of weaknesses. I'm actually a little embarrassed that I completely understood the"Target" meaning of every word of your post.
I disagree sales floor is easy and yea cashiers do get bitched alot about and as for what hardlines master said you cant be more worng even my gsa lod and gsta all said i good customer service just people bitch about things that I have no control off. Also how can I get transferred because people said this stays on record till 6 months.
I disagree sales floor is easy and yea cashiers do get bitched alot about and as for what hardlines master said you cant be more worng even my gsa lod and gsta all said i good customer service just people bitch about things that I have no control off. Also how can I get transferred because people said this stays on record till 6 months.
It sounds like you got a ca. Based on your postings, screams a bad attitude.
What is a c a? The
Every time I have made a mistake on a job, I have learned something and I keep it in the back of mind as a warning. Life is all learning every single day, I have made mistakes that I obsess over until I work it out in my head to accept it, learn and move on. Forgiving ourselves is so hard. Don't think about l o d or customer or g s t l . I know it is easier said than done, but just think about your behavior. That is the only thing we have any control over.
I can tell this has really upset you, and I wish you well. Soon it will be a distant memory if you live and learn. Have a good weekend!
Btw, I got coached for compliance on lunch and I am still freaked out about it. But I guarantee you I will never hit compliance again!
@PT Target - I take no offense. I word my posts according to Target Lingo.

Putting a positive spin on a negative attribute isn't just a Target phenomenon. There's been a movement since 2008 for companies to retain talent by showing they care about development. Instead of strengths and weaknesses, companies say things like wins or exceeding expectations for positive stuff and opportunities/needs improvement for weaknesses. Saying opportunities shows the company recognizes you need a little development rather than saying "Hey Bill - You fucking suck you piece of shit - you need to improve." This leaves the employee feeling isolated while opportunity sounds like "together we will improve."

I'm all for saying you suck but some people are sensitive. We recently changed our performance lingo to opportunities.

I loved the "seek to understand" and other Target lingo. I laughed every time my HR talked about performance management. Makes TMs seem like children and we must soften everything for their gentle ears.
Btw, I got coached for compliance on lunch and I am still freaked out about it. But I guarantee you I will never hit compliance again!

My HR Team Lead gives a very intense talk when you hit compliance. It's not scary, it's just in-depth, and they make it known that if it happens again, the speech won't be as nice. Ever since they adopted the current canned speech, compliance has dropped.
What is a c a? The
Every time I have made a mistake on a job, I have learned something and I keep it in the back of mind as a warning. Life is all learning every single day, I have made mistakes that I obsess over until I work it out in my head to accept it, learn and move on. Forgiving ourselves is so hard. Don't think about l o d or customer or g s t l . I know it is easier said than done, but just think about your behavior. That is the only thing we have any control over.
I can tell this has really upset you, and I wish you well. Soon it will be a distant memory if you live and learn. Have a good weekend!
Ca is a corrective action.
It was not a ca so sorry no and how can I get more hardlines shifts instead of cashier shifts.
Btw, I got coached for compliance on lunch and I am still freaked out about it. But I guarantee you I will never hit compliance again!

My store requires documented coachings for anyone who hits compliance or gets overtime that wasn't approved.
I disagree sales floor is easy and yea cashiers do get bitched alot about and as for what hardlines master said you cant be more worng even my gsa lod and gsta all said i good customer service just people bitch about things that I have no control off. Also how can I get transferred because people said this stays on record till 6 months.

You are incorrect. Just listen to what people are telling you. Do you know what hardlines team members DO on a daily basis, or are you making assumptions based on what you observe while you are standing around doing nothing between guests? You DEFINITELY have an attitude and listening problem, and no one in this universe would let you transfer to a harder department or even another store. You'll be lucky if you still get a decent review when future jobs call up asking about you.
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