Found out today my store's only useful ETL is leaving at the end of July. Simply put, my store will be fucked. All we'll be left with is lazy bitch store management that travels from the starbucks to tsc to the bathrooms to piss together. I'm leaving when my ETL does, and I know 2 other TLs who put in their two weeks today, and at least 5 tms that said they're gonna leave too. And these are reliable, hard workers, and most have been with Target 10+ years.
I don't know what it's gonna take for my store's culture to change, but I'm not going to stay to see how it works out. I love my job and my department, and bust my ass on the daily to get my workload done, but at this point I'm tired of breaking my neck so execs can drink coffee all day and talk about like super cute clothes. Sadly I know most of this will fall on other TMs, but I'm done.
Also fairly certain my STL and an ETL are screwing, maybe I'll hotline that. Lord knows the ETL does absofuckin nothing except hang out with the STL ALL day, and all her workload has been to assigned to other TLs. Bullshit.
So yah.. I'd say morale is low. Real low.