Archived How many people do they keep after their 90 days?

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Define "attendance issues." lol...I mean besides the obvious NCNS's and calling in sick all the time.

Attendance issues:
Consistently late - 6+ minutes each shift - or late more than 3 times a month - regardless of excuse
Call out more than once a month - regardless of excuse
Leave work early more than twice a month - regardless of excuse - ETL can let you but that doesn't mean he/she isn't keeping track of it

I just called out two days in a row, lol I'll start looking for a new job.
I haven't missed a shift and I come in (so far) when they call me.

Don't hate me cuz I'm awesome... I just need the dinero...

When I can pay the bills w/o working, then I might opt for that.

Until then...
Most of our seasonals suck. Don't respond to anything, don't show up without calling and don't actually get work done. Three quarters of them need to be let go. The good ones, I'm sure will stay.
Perhaps that is because they are new and don't know?
We've been teaching them and guiding them as best we can. Some I understand, most can't hack it. Retail isn't easy in the aspect it's the same ol' thing. But when it takes you an hour to fold an infants table, you can't get through a zone in your shift, takes 20 mins to go change a walkie battery...etc the list goes on.

Our last batch of hires were good, thus batch (minus one) I'm not sure how they got hired. I try to give tips and help them as much as I can. But if you don't want to work the job you're hired to do, you'll eventually be let go. My target keeps people unless they are beyond horrible, usually they quit first.
I was told they keep everyone that makes it past the first 2 weeks, out of 10 seasonal flow hires 3 of them have either missed more than one day or are complaining about working from midnight-8am.
We are still hiring for flow at my store. Most of the last group of seasonal flow tms....didn't make it .
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