Archived How much do you care at Target?

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I care about how I do my job...simply because how I do my job reflects on me as a person. I am not trying to impress someone at Spot. I am not hoping that some etl, tl, or stl sees me busting my ass and says wow tgtguy thanks for all you do. Spot is more about kissing ass than busting ass. I know this to be true...I have seen it time and time again...however, it doesn't make me work less or take the easy way out it...because I am who I am and that means someone who goes to work, rarely calls out, gives their best and cares about their job. IF someone doesn't view their job the same way that's on them. We each have to live our lives the way we see fit so to each their own. However, IF you not doing YOUR job makes MY job harder then we have issues.
I've been at Target since the Christmas season of 2008 and I would say that right now my apathy while at Target is at an all time high. I have never cared as little as I do right.

When I first started at Target, I was extremely naïve and gullible and thought that if I had great attendance and did a good job that I would get noticed by management. It took me probably until 2010 or 2011 to realize that.

I think when I started to actually care less is when I got into an argument with the boss of the store and he wrote me up and even asked me to sign a voluntary termination form. That was in 2012 and I will never forget it. He told me that I was a problem and that he didn't want to give another store "a problem" when I asked him if I could transfer. That moment right there is when I started to care less. Now in 2015, my apathy is at an all time high. It actually feels good to feel apathetic at Target. I basically do the bare minimum now at Target. I don't set the line in the backroom. I think I stopped doing that probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don't even move soda pallets anymore. I used to have this bitchy grocery ETL that would make me put every soda pallet up in the steel and take out every empty vendor pallets outside and put the empty vendor pallets up against the wall. I was so glad when that bitch left Target. It meant less work for me. I make bales only when it's convenient for me. I'm like that when people bug me about other shit such as the baler and bags. I'm not gonna drop what I'm doing and walk over there just so it's easier for you. You and I both know that you wouldn't do the same for me.

When I pull CAF batches, I do whatever is the least stressful and most convenient way for me to pull them. Lately, I've been burning a lot of batches simply because I don't care and because I know the lazy ass grocery and hardlines team members won't work the stuff to the floor. When I go into the freezer, I basically just throw whatever I pull onto any tub or cart available in the freezer. I'm not gonna bend over backwards for anyone anymore at Target. I don't even make 10 dollars an hour and I've been with Target since 2008.

People that read this rant may say "why don't you quit" or "you can't handle retail". My response to the quitting aspect is I am working on that and I hope to be departing Target forever in 2016. I have been at Target since 2008 and work at one of the worst Targets in America so it's clear I can handle retail. Besides, most of the people that say that shit are the types that have the cushy Monday thru Friday office jobs. They wouldn't know manual labor if it snuck up and bit them on the ear. Those types can shut the fuck up. And this is retail. This is sweatshop work. Does anyone honestly get any joy, satisfaction, meaning, and a sense of purpose by signing someone up for a red card, helping a guest find Trojan condoms, or pulling 10 pallets of price change?
I personally get nothing intangible from Target. All I get is about maybe 1100 dollars after taxes per month from Target. That's it.
I just can't believe how badly I have let Target mess me up in the head. I feel pathetic that I let a shitty retail job affect me so much. It's embarrassing.

So how much do you care at Target? Do you care a lot? Do you care a lil bit? Do you care the bare minimum or do you not give a shit at all?

I would say I care the bare minimum right now. I hope to be not at all or close to not at all by January.

This is the most entitled, bullshit thing I have ever read. You want to know why you're stuck making no money at a dead end job? Because you have a shit attitude and shit ethic. Life is going to deal you bad bosses, if you think target is alone in poor leadership you are far from reality.

Succeeding in life has everything to do with you, and nothing to do with anyone else. Even if you hate your job, you should still do it to the best of your ability. Do you think your "fuck it all" attitude is hurting your leadership? It's hurting your peers, because they're the ones who end up having to do it when you don't.

Your username is Jackswastedlife, which is exactly the situation you'll find yourself in 20 years from now if you don't grow the fuck up.
This is the most entitled, bullshit thing I have ever read. You want to know why you're stuck making no money at a dead end job? Because you have a shit attitude and shit ethic. Life is going to deal you bad bosses, if you think target is alone in poor leadership you are far from reality.

Succeeding in life has everything to do with you, and nothing to do with anyone else. Even if you hate your job, you should still do it to the best of your ability. Do you think your "fuck it all" attitude is hurting your leadership? It's hurting your peers, because they're the ones who end up having to do it when you don't.

Your username is Jackswastedlife, which is exactly the situation you'll find yourself in 20 years from now if you don't grow the fuck up.

I'm pretty sure this post was made intentionally to stir up some drama. Though what you said is still completely true.
I'm pretty sure this post was made intentionally to stir up some drama. Though what you said is still completely true.

Yep. We all know Jack has no intention of ever leaving Target. There's an excuse for everything. And I have $20 that Jack will still be at Target next Christmas with the same rants and same promises to leave. It's honestly a pretty sad way to live.
I have been with Target a year now... It's hard work, but I still work my ass off 99.5% of the time (let's be real we all have those days we don't feel like doing anything.) But it's your job. You should try to put in some effort and not fuck it up for your fellow team members because who do you think has to pick up your slack? My management has noticed my work ethic. My TL thought I should go for team lead 8 months into me working there. I did eventually get interviewed after I got the support of my STL and the ETL's. It's retail, but I still care. A lot. And it makes me angry when my fellow TM's quarter ass it lmao
I've only been here for 5 months, but I can say that I care a ton. After struggling to get a job for 3 years because anxiety always fucked me over and I was always to the point of tears in an interview, or could barely leave the house, Target finally gave me a chance. The people have been really nice and even when I need to sit in the restroom to calm down, or even that time I actually cried for 3 hours straight there before going home no one looked down on me. Even now they can respect that I still have hurdles to overcome regarding confidence and anxiety and in return for how well I believe they treat me as a person I work as hard as I can for them and for my fellow TMs. I'm not sure if any other job would have been the same, better, or worse but I'm totally glad I'm here and legitimately care
Exactly! This is almost my story word for word. After being here almost a year, I do understand not wanting to do more than you have to, but I still do because this place gave me a chance when no other place would.
I as well have only been at my job here for 5 months. Difference with me is that before my job I never knew what the real world was like. Homeschooled all my life, so the actual entire world was really just my house and my church. I don't hate either of those now, but I feel much more comfortable at my job. Nothing is so "cookie-cutter" as my old life. 17 years of just the same thing over and over and over again has really gotten to me. People would argue that after I do my job for long enough I'll say the same thing. Perhaps I will. But thats a while a way, For right now, I really care. I mean, I care a lot. A lot more than people think I should. A lot more than people think is right. Been told my entire life that "jobs suck but you gotta get through it". For me it has never been that way. I love my job because its my job. Sure there are other CAs in the store. But there aren't other "me's". A bit of a strange way to look at things I know, but this is just the way it is for me. I can't explain it fully, and I'll never try. I love my job and care a lot, because it is important to me. Not entirely because of the work I do, or the money I make. Simple because of the people. The people matter to me.

Edit: I've had that bottled up inside me for a long time now. Good to get it out even if it is weird.
Damn straight, brother.

Better than digging ditches, to say the least!
I remember the first year that I busted my ass and got an IE. That was a little depressing. I decided screw it I'll probably have a new job soon anyways, and I stopped trying for Target. Then I got in trouble, and got written up for some things. So I pulled a 180 and started busting my ass again. I decided what's the point in doing any job if I'm going to do it terrible. I wanted a better sense of pride and I found it in my work. My TL and ETLs noticed the new attitude and they loved it. Soon my STL was recognizin me left and right. Then I met his boss, the DTL, and he told my STL that he wanted to promote me. Now I lead a team for Target. I do believe hard work pays off, but most of the time, the right people just aren't noticing it.
The bare minimum is comfortable for me. And if I do go out of my way to do something at Target, it's usually for two reasons
1. It will benefit me i.e. ticketing case stock, zoning case stock pallets in receiving, preparing the freezer and dairy cooler for FDC unload, etc...
2. No drama. I can't stand drama at Target. I will suck up my ego and pride to avoid drama even if the drama instigators are wrong.

When I have time and get into a rhythm, I get a lot of things or tasks done. But like I said, those times are rare. I might have one or two nights like that per week. Shit happens.

If I didn't have to cater so much, the backroom would look a million times better. Catering to guests, guest service, the sales floor, vendors, and flexible fulfillment is extremely time consuming.

When you're in the backroom, time is your enemy.

For example, today I wasted 20 minutes from 4pm to 5pm on pulling flexible fulfillment orders and the remaining time left was for CAF batches. So again, how can I do things that will make the backroom look nice i.e. backstock? How do I create time that does not exist? Do you have some type of formula for slowing down time or creating more time? If so, let me know.

I have never been offered a promotion because I was told a long time by the then backroom TL that I would never get promoted at this store because I'm not a kiss ass. I'm paraphrasing but that's what the team lead basically said to me.

Maybe, I am entitled. So what? I was brainwashed by adults, authority figures, and everyone else that if I made good grades in high school and went to college and got a college degree that my life would be so much better.

Guess what? Since getting my college degree, my life has gotten significantly worse.

I know I'm a grumpy prick but I am extremely loyal. Whatever happened to giving people credit for that? My attendance record is near perfect. I think I've called out maybe 4 or 5 times in a 7 year span.
The bare minimum is comfortable for me. And if I do go out of my way to do something at Target, it's usually for two reasons
1. It will benefit me i.e. ticketing case stock, zoning case stock pallets in receiving, preparing the freezer and dairy cooler for FDC unload, etc...
2. No drama. I can't stand drama at Target. I will suck up my ego and pride to avoid drama even if the drama instigators are wrong.

When I have time and get into a rhythm, I get a lot of things or tasks done. But like I said, those times are rare. I might have one or two nights like that per week. Shit happens.

If I didn't have to cater so much, the backroom would look a million times better. Catering to guests, guest service, the sales floor, vendors, and flexible fulfillment is extremely time consuming.

When you're in the backroom, time is your enemy.

For example, today I wasted 20 minutes from 4pm to 5pm on pulling flexible fulfillment orders and the remaining time left was for CAF batches. So again, how can I do things that will make the backroom look nice i.e. backstock? How do I create time that does not exist? Do you have some type of formula for slowing down time or creating more time? If so, let me know.

I have never been offered a promotion because I was told a long time by the then backroom TL that I would never get promoted at this store because I'm not a kiss ass. I'm paraphrasing but that's what the team lead basically said to me.

Maybe, I am entitled. So what? I was brainwashed by adults, authority figures, and everyone else that if I made good grades in high school and went to college and got a college degree that my life would be so much better.

Guess what? Since getting my college degree, my life has gotten significantly worse.

I know I'm a grumpy prick but I am extremely loyal. Whatever happened to giving people credit for that? My attendance record is near perfect. I think I've called out maybe 4 or 5 times in a 7 year span.

He told you that to be nice. I wouldn't want you as a TL if you think simply helping guests is a waste of time. You know, the whole reason a job for you even exists. Your life sucks because you have a shitty attitude and you expect to just be rewarded for simply doing what you're supposed to. You're hardly a victim.
It was from a woman near retirement.

I was taught during my entire childhood that

hard work and doing your best = reward

That fucked me up in the head which led to my entitlement issues and bitterness.

I was also raised that "if I believed in God, went to church, prayed, and tried to be a good witness for God", God would protect and bless me. HAHAHAHA!
It was from a woman near retirement.

I was taught during my entire childhood that

hard work and doing your best = reward

That fucked me up in the head which led to my entitlement issues and bitterness.

I was also raised that "if I believed in God, went to church, prayed, and tried to be a good witness for God", God would protect and bless me. HAHAHAHA!

Aren't you in your 30s? If you're so aware of that fact, then knock it off. You can't ride on that excuse forever once you reach adulthood. Most people have to deal with bullshit from their upbringing. Part of being an adult means becoming responsible enough to learn to deal with it.
The funny thing is when I made this thread, I was curious about how much other minions of Target actually cared when they are at Target working. It was never about me, lol but haters made it about me as usual. HAHAHAHA!

I just wanted to see how dedicated or apathetic Target workers are at work.
The funny thing is when I made this thread, I was curious about how much other minions of Target actually cared when they are at Target working. It was never about me, lol but haters made it about me as usual. HAHAHAHA!

I just wanted to see how dedicated or apathetic Target workers are at work.

Sure thing, Slippery Jack. Continue to be a victim. It's not about Target, it's about your job. How much someone cares is dictated by their work ethic. Something of yours I don't find to be very admirable.
So what do you want? Do you want me to live a lie? Do you want me to lie and say that I'm super excited and thrilled to pull CAF batches, make bales, and pull flexible fulfillment orders?

I thought people were supposed to be truthful about who they are. Isn't that the trendy thing to do?
Jack I still care at work. I think most if the TMs I work with care too. I know I care too much. I don't think the leaders really do that much any more though. I often have to remind myself not to care more than they do. They are told by corporate what to care about. That is their focus until the next idea corp has. Meanwhile everything else just goes to pot and they don't even notice.
So what do you want? Do you want me to live a lie? Do you want me to lie and say that I'm super excited and thrilled to pull CAF batches, make bales, and pull flexible fulfillment orders?

I thought people were supposed to be truthful about who they are. Isn't that the trendy thing to do?

Don't be a doofus! (TBR safe language) I hate sorting strays for people in GS, but that doesn't mean I just "don't do it" because of that. How would that make any sense or help me at all? Why contribute to the problem? You have no solid ground to stand on in that case. How does that mentality help you later in life. If this is you at your most honest, then congratulations, your "haters" are right. Hating your job doesn't mean it's okay to do it shitty. You're basically saying, "This job is shit, therefore, I will become shit." You're 100% responsible for yourself. You have no one else to blame.
No matter what job I do, I'm going to do the best I can.
Even when I knew they were performancing me out and it was inevitable that I was going to be gone no matter what I did, I still worked as hard as I could.
To me it comes down to knowing that I am doing my best and fuck the rest of them.
I just can't half ass my way through things.
If it's going to get done it should be done right.
Which, looking back on it, was part of the problem I had with Spot in the first place.

But yeah, the fact is, if you work hard, study hard, do your best, things will get better.
Just answer this and be honest like your life depends on it.

Who on this planet, likes working in retail, fast food, or at a restaurant? Who? Who gets joy from serving people and doing jobs that most people avoid?

I do what needs to be done aka the bare minimum. If I have time to do other things, then I will but if there is a ton of back stock left when I leave, then there is a ton of back stock left. Nothing I can do about it.

I sadly do not have mystical or supernatural abilities. I can't control, change, or manipulate time.
Like my life depends on it? OK, I do like working in retail. I love helping guests, building displays and training other TMs.
Just answer this and be honest like your life depends on it.

Who on this planet, likes working in retail, fast food, or at a restaurant? Who? Who gets joy from serving people and doing jobs that most people avoid?

Probably very few people enjoy retail. There. You happy? Whether or not it brings you joy isn't what's up for debate here. The point is, you're choosing to be there. You're telling Target, "Hey, I'm giving you up to 40 hours a week of my time, for (x) amount of money an hour." That's it. If you're deciding to do the bare minimum, that's a reflection on you, not Target. Target isn't responsible for you being unhappy with your life.
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