Archived How much do you care at Target?

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FAwasteoftime, have you been to my store? Your store sounds like a lot like mine. Are you from Earth-2?

LOL..we are in the same position , I've only been back to Target for like a month after coming back to the states..needed a job so I applied at Target and got called the next day. At the other store I was a work horse also , but I worked 60- to 70 hours a week so it was worth it because of OT... and I was one of their best overnight team members , the best part about don't have to deal with customer BS and dayside BS , it's so much better , the downside is you don't know who you are after a while and feel like a zombie. I quit because I was promised a TL position since there was an opening , and I even lead the team for a whole tired of waiting.

Now I noticed that It was not that bad over that store , now here ..OMFG it's horrible. Yesterday I was on top of a ladder getting a bulk item and i heard the famous BACKROOM TEAM DO YOU COPY...I cursed the shit out of the girl before answering , lol...and I think the LOD heard me since he was passing by, later he asked me if I was by myself and I said yes , and that the overwhelming amounts of calls when I was doing a hour worth of batches was completely out of line and to please get someone else to do those location checks..I mean why do they even have a "mydevice" he agrred with me. Nice guy though. I wish he was alway the closing LOD.

Yeah ,so I am already looking for another job , or I might switch to overnight.
I started a month ago as a Backroom TM and I can say that Target has changed a lot from 8 years ago when I used work at another Target . Targets new motto is more for less , they have pretty much gone the Walmart way in treating their employees like slaves. Most people that say the love their job at Target just don't have the same workload some people have. I am pretty astounded as to the amount of work the backroom dayside team has to pull off , even more now with manuals and that stupid piece of shit flexible waste of time...we are expected to backstock , pull cafs , PUSH!! (this should be done by floor team members , not BR) , pull manuals , and when asked do a bale..all in 4-5 hours. So pretty much your own percepetion of Target comes off as how much work you get daily.

And don't even get me started on location checks and helping out customers , it's amazing how floor team members seem so fucking useless compared to BR team mebers since they don't do fucking shit compared to us and don't bother to learn how to do a location check nor are they trained for it.

Now ,I try my best to get the job done , but when I can't , is because it's too much and I don't really give a shit if I don's get it done. If one day I get coached for it , I am going to let them know how shitty the are.

Fuck it.
I'm so glad I got some of the backroom training for some of my ship from store training. I sometimes jump in for long cafs if they need help, which I like to do. Unless I don't have a mydevice, or a SFS pda, I don't bother the backroom. I can pull what I need myself. I know they work hard enough. I try to show other team members you can pull an item for a guest if they have a mydevice as well. At my store, backroom only pushes if they really have nothing else to do, which doesn't happen often lol
When I worked for Spot, I cared a lot more, so many changes in policies and just not fallowing thru made it all a big joke to me.
Have enjoyed the work. Enjoy what I do but would like to know what the home office thinks a receiver / reverse logistics team member is truly able to do in 6.5 hours. TLs don't know what I do, Log ETL knows very little about what I do. Was insulted to have another receiver come in and tell me how my area should be set up, never taking into affect that the two backrooms are very different in size and layout.

Guess I am an oddity because I keep hoping that one day the company may be able to be good to its team members,while letting the share holders take a back seat.
I care about doing my job correctly. Doesn't mean I'll fix everyone elses shitty job, but I do it occasionally if it makes my area look better. I also like helping guests find discounts (if they aren't rude) since I'm poor enough to understand how its nice to find a discount. I care about being friendly to my few friendly tms. I also do like the work (but not cashiering lol)

Beyond that I'm not particularly going to kill myself to make target look impressive. I see endcaps that are messy and things pushed wrong and I'm not about to stop and fix every one because frankly its not my fault that they aren't getting salesfloor to fix it and they aren't paying me to stay and fix sections of the store that aren't my own. It's not my fault they let an entire section in one of my aisles go clearance without marking any of the items and when another area emptied out and has no items in it it's not my fault that it's not being used. I've always communicated to tl's when they needed information on things so it's not my problem if they don't communicate back with their needs.
I definitely agree with the "I'm not going to kill myself to make Target look impressive". There isn't enough time in a day for one person to make the entire look impressive. Do what you are required to do and that's it.

I think I would probably have a better attitude if I worked at a different Target store. I work at a shitty one so of course my opinion is going to be low and negative about Target.
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