Archived How often can you call out?

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Oct 6, 2015
I've been at my store for almost 3 years and I've been pretty reliable. I've never come in more than maybe 5 minutes late, never had a ncns, but I call out about once every 3 months. I have to call out for tomorrow and I feel like they're starting to get annoyed because every single time its due to my kid being sick. I've asked different leaders and no one seems to really know what the policy is for attendance is there a limit to where they can fire you?
You'll be fine. That's a reasonable amount with a perfectly normal reason (not like they need to know why).

There are already a handful of similar threads about this if you search around. @Hardlinesmaster might have some links.
I used to call out pretty often in comparison to what people deem acceptable on here, but I try to call out early enough for them to replace me if need be. Hours or the day before, and if I called out the day before, I'll call again few hours before my shift to make sure they have it noted and what not. I think between that and being pretty good at the actual work stuff, it doesn't bother them.
We have a TM who calls out at least 2-3 times a month, sometimes even more. She is an elderly lady, super sweet but she has several health issues. She always feels bad but she can't help it if she has to spend a night or two in the hospital again because of her health issues.
I have kids too, so far I have been lucky and they have only been sick on my days off (knock on wood). But if my younger ones are sick, I can't just leave them home alone. If my teen get sick, he can stay home.
To the op. You should be fine. That doesn't seem like an extreme number of call outs to me. Also, depends on your store ( as others have said ) some stores are more lax on attendance than others.
I recently wrote up and sat in on the firing of a gsa who was calling out at least once a week. Calling out wasn't what got her fired when she decided to lie to me and say she was sick but when I go to lunch I she her in the car with another team member/her boyfriend who was supposed to be working pushing cafs instead of working on his sex life
I started on September 27th, 2015 as an overnight flow team member. I Called out on October 6th, November 13th, 14th and 15th(had a head injury that I got a doctors note for,) December 22nd, January 16th, February 7th, February 22nd and 24th.

I mean every store is different and depends on your leadership and each individual boss, but I've never got in trouble for any of those. They never have given me any warnings or coaching, and as long as you call within 3-4 hours of your shift, you'll be fine.
My store runs attendance every two weeks any calls outs or Lates is a pdd. After 5 pdd it's a cca and then term
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