Archived How strict is your store/HR on dress code?

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In my store (one of those west coast states) there doesn't seem to be an issue with what red and khaki. There is, however, an issue with TMs who forget what they are wearing if they layer clothes. If you're wearing red on top and non-red under, you have to keep the red one on even if you get hot. (or you can get one of the vests)

In some of the west coast states Target can only 'suggest' that you wear red and khaki because they don't fall in the standardized work colors.
My store lets me wear a black T-shirt with a open hoodie over it. havent gotten any complaints yet
As a GSA - I always had a pair of khaki pants and a red polo. Once a week I'd usually do a red target t-shirt, but I'd always have my target zip up sweater.
Ok I'm not anally preaching policy and procedure, but the dress code or lack thereof, is driving me crazy!

Our etl-hr is always showing her cleavage in every outfit she wears. People are wearing those red and pink fleece jackets daily, and people are getting away with wearing HATS during work. SALESFLOOR people with baseball caps and/or fashionable hats.

I don't get why no one in leadership gives a damn!?!?!?

what the heck?
I've been wearing a striped shirt and haven't been told anything. I'm gonna try the plaid next.
Ok I'm not anally preaching policy and procedure, but the dress code or lack thereof, is driving me crazy!

Our etl-hr is always showing her cleavage in every outfit she wears. People are wearing those red and pink fleece jackets daily, and people are getting away with wearing HATS during work. SALESFLOOR people with baseball caps and/or fashionable hats.

I don't get why no one in leadership gives a damn!?!?!?

Man, we have this one cashier who usually wears cleavage tops and a red cardigan. That really bothers me. I think it's just so unprofessional.
Seriously someone explain this whole hat thing to me.

There's nothing against hats in the dress code.
Ok I'm not anally preaching policy and procedure, but the dress code or lack thereof, is driving me crazy!

Our etl-hr is always showing her cleavage in every outfit she wears. People are wearing those red and pink fleece jackets daily, and people are getting away with wearing HATS during work. SALESFLOOR people with baseball caps and/or fashionable hats.

I don't get why no one in leadership gives a damn!?!?!?

what the heck?

There are a few of us who wear red fashionable hats. I wear a red sports team fitted cap all shift long. My ETL wears a black fitted cap. GSA wears a beanie too. STL always wearing bright color scarfs.
Ok I'm not anally preaching policy and procedure, but the dress code or lack thereof, is driving me crazy!

Our etl-hr is always showing her cleavage in every outfit she wears. People are wearing those red and pink fleece jackets daily, and people are getting away with wearing HATS during work. SALESFLOOR people with baseball caps and/or fashionable hats.

I don't get why no one in leadership gives a damn!?!?!?

what the heck?

There are a few of us who wear red fashionable hats. I wear a red sports team fitted cap all shift long. My ETL wears a black fitted cap. GSA wears a beanie too. STL always wearing bright color scarfs.
That's cool!
Everyone from our DTL to flow tm's will wear skirts and most women wear capris in the warm weather. Some of the men complained and were told that they could wear skirts and capris if they wanted to. We had one guy wear a khaki kilt and several who cut pants to capri length. They quit wearing them when nobody reacted.

Aaaah, so there is some justice in the universe. I can't imagine a dorkier, heat-up-your-ass reaction on the guys part and I love that they didn't get the attention they were so obviously craving.
In my store (one of those west coast states) there doesn't seem to be an issue with what red and khaki. There is, however, an issue with TMs who forget what they are wearing if they layer clothes. If you're wearing red on top and non-red under, you have to keep the red one on even if you get hot. (or you can get one of the vests)

In some of the west coast states Target can only 'suggest' that you wear red and khaki because they don't fall in the standardized work colors.

Nobody is going to get sent home for not wearing a red shirt. They'll just be forced to wear a red vest. If they don't, THEN they'll get sent home. The handbook states solid colored pants for a reason. Specifically demanding khaki pants would fall under "non-standard work uniform" and could not be enforced. But solid color pants is reasonable enough to protect Target from litigation, and a solid red shirt is not considered unreasonable as well.
we are not like super strict but it must be in the Red and Khaki category! my personal rule of thumb is "if you have to ask if it is appropriate for work it probably isn't"
My third kilt is on its way to me!

We can wear black pants and the red apron goes with a red shirt, so I don't see a problem. My STL and ETLs, along with many guests, all like my kilt wearing.
I think so... I guess it depends on your definition of utility.
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