I'm still new to hardlines and I've noticed that some TM's are very rude/angry at all times for no reason. When I first started my trainers were great and incredibly helpful but now that I'm on my own I've noticed people are just rude to me whenever they get the chance. I feel like a kid in school sometimes. First it was our LOD's we had one night at closing and I was walking to put something away when one of the guys says "hey where are you going?! Get over here!" and pointed at me with his finger to get over there like I was a disobedient kid or something. When I went for my first opening shift I was about to do go backs/reshop but was told to wait for the LOD and as I was standing there I could clearly hear the two girls talking about me asking why I was just standing there. When I was told to put them back instead one girl at guest services got angry and told me that I needed to do them and when I explained she sighed and walked away from me. Later on I was pushing a cart of go backs and I hear two other coworkers saying "why is she pushing go backs?"...I can clearly hear them so I don't get the need to whisper or why they care? It honestly ruined most of my morning and I don't even know what's causing this? I'm pretty quiet and I try to do everything right and quickly. How do you guys deal with rude coworkers?