Archived How to deal with rude coworkers?

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Jul 23, 2015
I'm still new to hardlines and I've noticed that some TM's are very rude/angry at all times for no reason. When I first started my trainers were great and incredibly helpful but now that I'm on my own I've noticed people are just rude to me whenever they get the chance. I feel like a kid in school sometimes. First it was our LOD's we had one night at closing and I was walking to put something away when one of the guys says "hey where are you going?! Get over here!" and pointed at me with his finger to get over there like I was a disobedient kid or something. When I went for my first opening shift I was about to do go backs/reshop but was told to wait for the LOD and as I was standing there I could clearly hear the two girls talking about me asking why I was just standing there. When I was told to put them back instead one girl at guest services got angry and told me that I needed to do them and when I explained she sighed and walked away from me. Later on I was pushing a cart of go backs and I hear two other coworkers saying "why is she pushing go backs?"...I can clearly hear them so I don't get the need to whisper or why they care? It honestly ruined most of my morning and I don't even know what's causing this? I'm pretty quiet and I try to do everything right and quickly. How do you guys deal with rude coworkers?
I'm sorry to hear this, it's bad enough to deal with guests being rude fellow coworkers shouldn't make your day even more difficult.

Kartman has good advice about this, something about necks and twigs.
Tell them that if they would rather you do something else, to let you know instead of gossiping about you. And if they don't hold any position of power over you, tell them you are simply doing what you've been told to by your actual boss, and have no time for childish attitudes and games. Honestly a lot of workers who have been there for a long time probably have their habits and their routines and get irrationally upset when an LOD or TL tells a new person to do things differently. They can't get snarky with their boss so they take it out on you. All that matters right now is that you're doing the job the way you were told to. Picking up on everyone's habits/routines and making friends will come soon, no worries.
Thank you everyone! It just ruins my day when some people are rude to me over things I can't control or that I didn't know about considering I'm new. I don't think work is that bad, it's actually ok but having to work with people like this makes me dislike work a lot 🙁 hopefully things will get better once I can pick up on what they do and don't like
People were like this to me when I started. But I kept working hard and now run circles around them, even got promoted lol. They don't give me damn shit no more, if anything I assert myself on them but no way would I ever treat a new team member with a lack of respect and decency. I wouldn't steer them wrong. I would never create a hostile work environment for someone who felt just as lost and nervous I did those first weeks and months.
I had this exact thing happen to me ! I cried so much from Oct to Jan. I couldn't understAnd.
THE is the only reason I didn't quit. I felt like people on THE were my real co-workers and they always supported with kindness and smart advice.
Hang in there . It will get better.
You have found a safe haven here. Welcome!
I had this exact thing happen to me ! I cried so much from Oct to Jan. I couldn't understAnd.
THE is the only reason I didn't quit. I felt like people on THE were my real co-workers and they always supported with kindness and smart advice.
Hang in there . It will get better.
You have found a safe haven here. Welcome!
Patty, I got your back.
To the OP, I am sorry you are going through this...I hope that things get better. Sadly, there are people ( and some work at Spot) who are not happy unless they are complaining or finding fault in everything and or everyone . I have found that the best way to deal with these types of people are to just do your own thing and try to ignore them( it can be hard to do sometimes). If they are talking crap about you...then its pretty safe to say they are talking crap about everyone..,to anyone who will listen. I have worked with someone like this for years and years. She will talk crap about tm A to team member B walks away...she talks crap about B to A She is never happy unless she is complaining about something and or someone. To be honest, I feel sorry for people like that ...they will never be happy in life cause they are too busy complaining about everything and everyone . So, to the OP...just keep your head up and try not to let them get you down.
I had this exact thing happen to me ! I cried so much from Oct to Jan. I couldn't understAnd.
THE is the only reason I didn't quit. I felt like people on THE were my real co-workers and they always supported with kindness and smart advice.
Hang in there . It will get better.
You have found a safe haven here. Welcome!
What exactly is THE? I've never heard that before. Yeah I feel like work would be a lot better if I didn't feel so out of place or disliked by certain people. There are really nice people though! They are super helpful with everything so I'll try to stick close to them.
What exactly is THE? I've never heard that before. Yeah I feel like work would be a lot better if I didn't feel so out of place or disliked by certain people. There are really nice people though! They are super helpful with everything so I'll try to stick close to them.
I m sorry I wrote T B R meaning this site .my kindle auto "corrected" it and , bc I am quite a lazy old woman, did not proofread
I m sorry I wrote T B R meaning this site .my kindle auto "corrected" it and , bc I am quite a lazy old woman, did not proofread
Oh I see! I feel the same way. I'm happy to have this site so I can get some advice without people being rude and being helpful instead 🙂
Oh I see! I feel the same way. I'm happy to have this site so I can get some advice without people being rude and being helpful instead 🙂

That's why we're here. Anytime you have questions about what you're supposed to be working on, ask your TL or the LOD. And if your co-workers are giving you crap about it, talk to your TL or HR.
Wait some Target TM's are cock sucking douche nuggets!?
On a more serious note I just ignored them and did my job. I did my best every shift and I ended up becoming a TL. If I cared about their petty B.S. I wouldn't have gotten to where I was. I became their boss it was awesome!
I had a similar situation with this one lady at work who would be rude to me for no reason, but when she didn't want to do something - like make overhead announcements, she would actually call me on the walkie even if was across the store to make the announcement for her. I just started ignoring her calls on the walkie. I told the softlines TL and unfortunately the TL was very chummy with her so nothing really got done about it. When you're not a "favorite" your experiences or feelings don't really matter. At least that's how it's been for me and I have always been a reliable worker.
I had a similar situation with this one lady at work who would be rude to me for no reason, but when she didn't want to do something - like make overhead announcements, she would actually call me on the walkie even if was across the store to make the announcement for her. I just started ignoring her calls on the walkie. I told the softlines TL and unfortunately the TL was very chummy with her so nothing really got done about it. When you're not a "favorite" your experiences or feelings don't really matter. At least that's how it's been for me and I have always been a reliable worker.
This reminds me of the girl from guest services I was talking about. She honestly dislikes me for no real reason...every time I ask her a question she rolls her eyes at me but then later she orders me to take certain go backs she wants to get rid of. I've noticed that unless you are close friends with some people then they don't really care about you or want to talk to you at my store. I think maybe they don't like new people getting hired because very few have actually been nice to me.
I know a few TMs at my store would get ticked whenever someone new was hired because:
a) they would have to train this new TM (uh, it's part of your job folks) &
b) they would see their hours cut while the newb got more hours (it's called "learning by immersion" - once they're comfortable in role, their hours go down).
It may not be the sole reason but could be a small piece of the puzzle.
Honestly, Target is a LOT like high school with cliques, popular well-liked TMs, the unknowns, the power players, the nerds, etc.
Sounds like your coworkers are still in that rut.
A tactic: Next time she rolls her eyes, just say "I know it bugs you whenever I ask you anything but it's only because you've been here longer & you know what to do. I'm just trying to learn how to do things the RIGHT WAY & figured YOU were the person to ask."
I'm kinda worried about this too. In my last job one of the supervisors got his rocks off on abusing his power and constantly bugged me, but if someone has to hate on you or make you feel bad for no apparent reason... then you are already better than them so don't let it affect you. Brush it off and kill them with (fake) kindness.

I figured if they have to act like this in order to feel better about themselves, then I'll just be the bigger person and take it (but not let it affect me). It's kind of sad and we should pity them :/

And like the others have said, if you just work hard and do your job then maybe you'll even be promoted above them someday (if you want to continue working for Target that is).
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