Archived How to make yourself shiny enough for a promotion once you graduate?

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Sep 30, 2011
Sorry if there's another thread for this already, not much time before I head to work.

I'm wondering if anyone could tell me how often you see TMs end up as ETLs over the years. I'm currently working on my BFA, with 3 years to go and have every intention on staying with spot. I have a great track record so far, or so I think. If I don't find a design job I have every intention of trying to climb the ladder. What do I need to be doing to make this happen? I transferred and my new store seems to love me, even got recognized by the DTL who I haven't yet met. I work my tail off, I try to keep morale amongst my peers up, what else is there I can do now?

It almost seems silly to try and plan this far ahead but I'd prefer to be on top of it. I can't try to get any TL positions until my class schedule gives me more availability and that won't be for maybe another year.

Thanks everyone!
In my many years at Target I've only seen one TM go from TM (what used to be called a Level 1), to TL, to ETL. He started on Flow and stayed there through both promotions. He also got his bussiness degree while TL. He's kind of rough around the edges and not that well spoken, so I think he will be in Logistics for however long he remains at Target. Target seems to be more interested in hiring new people right out of college that they can mold into the Target way.
Sorry if there's another thread for this already, not much time before I head to work.

I'm wondering if anyone could tell me how often you see TMs end up as ETLs over the years. I'm currently working on my BFA, with 3 years to go and have every intention on staying with spot. I have a great track record so far, or so I think. If I don't find a design job I have every intention of trying to climb the ladder. What do I need to be doing to make this happen? I transferred and my new store seems to love me, even got recognized by the DTL who I haven't yet met. I work my tail off, I try to keep morale amongst my peers up, what else is there I can do now?

It almost seems silly to try and plan this far ahead but I'd prefer to be on top of it. I can't try to get any TL positions until my class schedule gives me more availability and that won't be for maybe another year.

Thanks everyone!

3 years until graduation? Lots can change in that time. I had every intention of staying with Target for a few more years until I suddenly got a chance at a job I never even considered before.

But with a BFA, Target may be one of your only options.....

All I can say is, be a good team member, but don't be "outstanding" until a year before you graduate. Going over and above for 3 years straight will probably lead to burn out.
Make sure you have a closet full of nicely pressed khaki slacks, red sweaters to go over your expensive shirts.
I recommend staying well groomed and keeping a shine on your shoes.
Use the words amazing and vibe often, or whatever buzzwords du jour S your fancy.
Make sure you have a closet full of nicely pressed khaki slacks, red sweaters to go over your expensive shirts.
I recommend staying well groomed and keeping a shine on your shoes.
Use the words amazing and vibe often, or whatever buzzwords du jour S your fancy.

Target is moving far away from training strategic merchants, to training cheerleaders and how to hold a clipboard with authority.
Make sure you have a closet full of nicely pressed khaki slacks, red sweaters to go over your expensive shirts.
I recommend staying well groomed and keeping a shine on your shoes.
Use the words amazing and vibe often, or whatever buzzwords du jour S your fancy.

The grooming just reminded me about the other "problem"... visible tattoos unless wearing long sleeves. Is that instant doom for anything more than TM? I have yet to see someone higher up with any
3 years until graduation? Lots can change in that time. I had every intention of staying with Target for a few more years until I suddenly got a chance at a job I never even considered before.

But with a BFA, Target may be one of your only options.....

All I can say is, be a good team member, but don't be "outstanding" until a year before you graduate. Going over and above for 3 years straight will probably lead to burn out.

That sounds so cynical, but I agree. Also, if you have changes in leadership, sometimes a new hire ETL will be intimidated by former top performers and try to clean house and bring in/develop their own team. Be solid and steady - but don't knock yourself out because in three years you can risk burnout.

As for tattoos, if you're talking about sleeves, I've seen TMs and TLs even AP with full sleeves, but not ETL. There probably are, but I'm sure they go the lengths they need to to hide them.
The grooming just reminded me about the other "problem"... visible tattoos unless wearing long sleeves. Is that instant doom for anything more than TM? I have yet to see someone higher up with any

Most certainly, the only tattoos allowed are cute and little for the women, small and macho for the men but always discrete and easily covered.
No sleeves, questionable content, personal pain demonstrated, or neck tats allowed.
It almost seems silly to try and plan this far ahead but I'd prefer to be on top of it. I can't try to get any TL positions until my class schedule gives me more availability and that won't be for maybe another year.

Speaking to the availability part I can only close during the week, with the exception of Wednesdays when I am unavailable due to class. My peers love it because they know the only day they will potentially have to close during the week is Wednesday and their respective weekend to close. Personally I would say go for it if there is an opening! Anything could happen...
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