Archived How to quit my job?

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Aug 29, 2017
I have been an ETL-HR for 8 months, and my job is not at all it's cracked up to be. They say it's supposed to be like 75 percent management and 25 percent task, and the ETL's in my store are expected to do the opposite. Here in Alabama, half of our stores are going to SrTL HR, so both of the stores I've been at have been HR heavy. It's difficult to share the position with another person, and to constantly be treating HR as a bandaid (who are we fixing to call in? how do we recognize people who don't even want to be here?) and never using HR as a positive outlet. It's the culture of my store.

THAT BEING SAID... I have two final interviews next week, and I am so excited. How do I quit my job?? Should I tell my STL i'm interviewing? I hate that i'm screwing over a store before 4th quarter, too.
Does anyone want to be working at a place like Target.? I would think it would be better to find a reward the people that do the right things and work hard, regardless
of not wanting to be there.
Does anyone want to be working at a place like Target.? I would think it would be better to find a reward the people that do the right things and work hard, regardless
of not wanting to be there.

As far as retail goes Target is one of the better places to work. I love my team, leaders and how close I am to home.

It's ironic to me the ones who complain about working there the most have the hardest time finding something better.

Attitude determining altitude or something like that
THAT BEING SAID... I have two final interviews next week, and I am so excited. How do I quit my job?? Should I tell my STL i'm interviewing? I hate that i'm screwing over a store before 4th quarter, too.

After my ETL HR got a job offer she tried putting in her two weeks. They told her to pack her stuff that today is your last day.. From what I've seen on here, ETL AP and HR aren't allowed to work out there last two weeks.

Good luck on your interviews.
After my ETL HR got a job offer she tried putting in her two weeks. They told her to pack her stuff that today is your last day.. From what I've seen on here, ETL AP and HR aren't allowed to work out there last two weeks.

Good luck on your interviews.
Wow. HR and AP have worked out their two weeks at my store, those that put it in instead of up and leaving.
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