If your STL was there you had an obviously awesome STL. Ours? Hah, she didn't step foot in the store on Christmas Eve.
Nor did any ETL's.
Only one Sr. TL there all night as well.
From 6:30-10:00 we had 1 TL, the LOD/Sr. TL, and a bunch of TM's, anyone else high up the hierarchy took the day off or left early.
It's really ridiculous! I was lucky enough not to work for the holidays but I know that Target as well as Kmart follow Walmart's hours and schedules. So anything Walmart does Target will do! It's a competition. Walmart is open all day christmas or christmas eve so will Target.Honestly staying open until 10pm on Christmas Eve was ridiculous. Everything else was closed by 6. I don't blame anyone for calling out on that night. Family is greater than Target. I think most of us gave up plenty of family events so we could work at Spot through the holiday season starting with the assinine Thanksgiving hours. The people who did call in made a judgement call for themselves. So if the lines were longer and service wasn't as good so be it. If you wait until 7pm on Christmas eve to buy presents the service you receive will be the service you deserve. I hope those of you that did call out had a wonderful time with your families, I really do. And if any leadership made their teams stay past 10 pm to zone the store they are flat out assholes.