Archived I did WHAT?!

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You must've had the day-after beer shits. Those are unforgiving and will wait for no one.

Also, I'm not going to ask, but I'm just going to say I really hope you were fortunate enough to at least have some napkins, an extra Spot bag, or maybe a few leaves handy...
I always carry a roll of paper towels in my car. It's not as though I didn't try to make it. I did try, and it was the closest call I've ever had.
Years ago, I accidentally threw the electronic keys is the compactor. It was tossing some trash in and the caught on it. I called the LOD, had him stand besides the start button, and climbed in. It wasn't that big a deal. And yes, I know we aren't supposed to get in the compactor.
Had someone lose a ring in there. That was fun to help with...
I use a metal belt buckle to secure the S3 key too has yet to rub off on anything else. Although awkwardly drop the keys while exiting the electronics lock up locking myself out. BR TM that opened it up for me questioned how it was possible to do so.
I keep a pen with a metal clip hooked inside my pocket and a carabiner hooked to my belt loop. I have yet to drop or lose the keys that way.
I've done this with the cash drawer also.
As a current GSA, I have also left my keys dangling in the cash drawer key lock. Luckily I had an "oh shit" moment when I realized my keys were missing and found them there, perhaps 15 minutes after I had left them.

When I was working Service Desk, I only briefly glanced at the instructions for Soda Stream and missed the final part about scanning the product, figuring the 0.00 price I entered on the third step was a promotion by a brazen startup. No one stopped to correct me. I maybe gave away 15 "free" soda streams before an embarrassing conversation with coworkers led me to correct the mistake.

I have made some guest-infuriating mistakes with post void. One was post voiding a giftcard that was thrown away. Another was voiding a payment from a guest to correct a mistake, failing to tell them that the card would have a double charge for a short period of time, and trying to swipe the card again only to realize that they had reached their credit limit and had no other form of payment.

I have made countless other mistakes, especially in areas where I have no formal training, which now includes starbucks, food ave, cart attendant, pharmacy and electronics. It is very likely in the future I will continue to make mistakes. I try to take them in stride, but they do haunt me to some degree.
The soda stream thing is pretty funny. I'm sure you made a lot of guests very happy that day 😛

Also, I'm glad I'm far from the only one who leaves their keys dangling in the cash drawer (which I did AGAIN today, wtf?!).
The soda stream thing is pretty funny. I'm sure you made a lot of guests very happy that day
Strictly speaking, it was over the course of about three months. I have wanted to do a correct soda stream transaction for about two months now and, despite working SD multiple times, have not yet had the opportunity.

As for leaving your keys in the cash drawer, its obvious why it happens. When you're managing the front lanes, multiple things are competing for your attention. Urgently worrying about the next crisis can easily make one get the change out of the drawer, close the drawer, and then fill the registers with cash, forgetting the crucial step of removing the key. De-stressing, and doing things mindfully, is the best remedy, although this is easier said than done. Perhaps there is some sort of string or elastic key chain you can use.

I have often wondered how I got this promotion, moving from a seasonal cashier in November 2014 to GSA about a month ago. Its gratifying to read the boards and know that others are similarly overwhelmed.
Strictly speaking, it was over the course of about three months. I have wanted to do a correct soda stream transaction for about two months now and, despite working SD multiple times, have not yet had the opportunity.

As for leaving your keys in the cash drawer, its obvious why it happens. When you're managing the front lanes, multiple things are competing for your attention. Urgently worrying about the next crisis can easily make one get the change out of the drawer, close the drawer, and then fill the registers with cash, forgetting the crucial step of removing the key. De-stressing, and doing things mindfully, is the best remedy, although this is easier said than done. Perhaps there is some sort of string or elastic key chain you can use.

I have often wondered how I got this promotion, moving from a seasonal cashier in November 2014 to GSA about a month ago. Its gratifying to read the boards and know that others are similarly overwhelmed.
Noticed a 0.00 sodastream monarch label at each checklane today when backing up...decided I didn't have time to ask the old guy running the front if he was stupid or if it was someone else's idea...
Once while putting razors in keepers, I heard "AP! I NEED YOU IN ELECTRONICS NOW! RUN!" from a panicked sounding ETL. So I run back there, forgetting the TPS S3 key, which has a handcuff key and the electronics lock-up key, sitting on top of the shaving cream cans. When I got back to the aisle after the non-event (The ETL couldn't figure out how to the the spider-wrap off a tv), the key was gone. I spent 15 trying to remember what I did with it, till the LOD called me in to TSC and chewrd ne out after a guest handed him the keys. Not doing that again! 😳
Once while putting razors in keepers, I heard "AP! I NEED YOU IN ELECTRONICS NOW! RUN!" from a panicked sounding ETL. So I run back there, forgetting the TPS S3 key, which has a handcuff key and the electronics lock-up key, sitting on top of the shaving cream cans. When I got back to the aisle after the non-event (The ETL couldn't figure out how to the the spider-wrap off a tv), the key was gone. I spent 15 trying to remember what I did with it, till the LOD called me in to TSC and chewrd ne out after a guest handed him the keys. Not doing that again! 😳
Ugh, commendable hustle if it had been a real issue. Ain't nobody respect that...I hope you have the etl a stern lecture on wake etiquette.
Once I stuck the magnet key on a shopping cart and completely forgot about it. Thank god a guest didn't decide to steal my cart. I only noticed it was missing when someone needed an iPad. It took me 45 minutes to find it. I walked past that basket about 5 times before I spotted it.
They had these displays one year, very complex Christmas trees.
Any of the other Signing Ninjas who working then will tell you they were obnoxious monsters.
I would love to use an excuse that this was just after Sandy and we still didn't have full lights so I was working in the gloom of the fire tunnel with a lantern for my main light but no ...
It doesn't really excuse me not paying attention to the fact that I had started with the wrong side up so that when I finished taping everything down it was inside out.
You'd think I would have been kinda wondering why everything was so hard to fold but I just figured it was Spot pissing on me from above.
After all I had a tree in my garage, this was about par for the course.
Mind you I was being fast and efficient so I had managed to do this with not just the bottom level but the next two as well.
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So last night I checked my schedule, to make sure I was starting at 9, not 8. I did a screenshot of the schedule as normal and went to bed. Well this morning I walk into the AP office at 8:55, and my boss says "What are doing here so early? I thought I had you in at 3?"
So we both check the schedule online...and it says 3 flipping p.m. to 11:30. How the hell I mistook 3 p.m. for 9 a.m. I don't know, but damn it! I lost precious sleep! 😕
That sucks!!! Losing sleep is always the most disappointing.
You're very lucky with the keys. I got a documented coaching shortly after I became GSA for leaving my keys on the desk in the locked GE office. Had the keys been left elsewhere, it would have been a Corrective Action. We re-keyed the entire store because an exec lost his keys. Corrective Action Final for him. There was an electronics TM who said she lost her keys. When they told her it was a Corrective Action Final, she said she flushed them down the toilet on accident. They didn't believe her until a month later when that toilet overflowed, flooding the whole women's restroom. The restroom closed on a Saturday for hours until the plumber could get out. He pulled out her keys and the CA was canceled.
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