I do this all the time, untentionally (not the GSA/TL thing, though 😛)
I'm working in the backroom, pulling or backstocking something down an aisle. I place down my PDA or my walkie to properly handle merchandise. I turn my back away from it just for a couple seconds to a minute. Suddenly, I forgot where I placed it. Did I put it in a waco, on a shelf, on the floor, etc.? I start pacing up and down, retracing my steps from the main, recieving, and grocery (well, last two only if I actually did go over there) areas. This goes on for a few minutes. Just when I'm about to give up, I see it in a waco... sometimes in a previous aisle I just went came out of. This is what I consider to be my blonde moments.
and the coup de gras to this post... I always seem to leave my keys (personal + equipment) on the powered equipment, when I'm about to leave for the day.