Archived I did WHAT?!

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When I get in the zone while cashiering, I get things done really fast and I have the mindset of scan, total, tell them the price, give them receipt, done. Well while I was in the zone I glanced at the time at my register, and thought, oh it's 9:34, and when a guest approached, I greeted them with "Your total is $9.34-" before realizing that I just turned the time into a they just kinda looked at me strangely, and I had no way of explaining to them that I accidentally said awkward...just kinda laughed it off and said just kidding! They probably think there is something wrong with me...oh well haha
I have done that many times. It's so easy to do.
Man...this just reminded me of when I was an assistant manager at Sonic and I lost the keys and they had to re-key everything. Not nearly as expensive as having to re-key Target's stuff, but still embarrassing nonetheless. Also around that time I lost my car keys one day, and I never found out where they went. I had to pay to have someone come make a key after a couple weeks of searching for them and no results. Years have passed and I've never seen them.

Basically I suck at keys. Nobody should trust me with these things.
Hubby lost one set while walking the dogs in the snow. He slid and skinned his knee and didn't realize they were missing til he got home. Two blocks from the apartment and we never saw them again.

Two years later he set our storage unit padlock and half his keys on the bumper of the Jeep and drove through downtown to his mom's. Got there realized he was an idiot. Drove right back the same way. Gone. Called the PD and every open business to see if they were turned in. Nothing.

Thats four car keys and fobs, three house keys (and we had just re-keyed our new house the last time), his key fob for a gym membership, storage locker keys (both the lock he lost and the other unit's lock), and about $20 in caribiner organizers cause we'd just bought him the cute mini S-biners to organize all his keys.

Needless to say he's back to a cheap carabiner. And all his loyalty cards are on his phone app.
Lost my GSTL keys the other day left them on the electronics boat lucky electronics turned them into me and not my dumbass counterpart.
I do this all the time, untentionally (not the GSA/TL thing, though 😛)

I'm working in the backroom, pulling or backstocking something down an aisle. I place down my PDA or my walkie to properly handle merchandise. I turn my back away from it just for a couple seconds to a minute. Suddenly, I forgot where I placed it. Did I put it in a waco, on a shelf, on the floor, etc.? I start pacing up and down, retracing my steps from the main, recieving, and grocery (well, last two only if I actually did go over there) areas. This goes on for a few minutes. Just when I'm about to give up, I see it in a waco... sometimes in a previous aisle I just went came out of. This is what I consider to be my blonde moments.

and the coup de gras to this post... I always seem to leave my keys (personal + equipment) on the powered equipment, when I'm about to leave for the day.
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Because there's such a shortage of equipment, we pounce on the equipment that's set down for even a moment.

"Hey, how'd you get a MyDevice?"
"Um, I found it."
Walkie: "Hey, has anyone seen MyDevice #27?"

Crickets and a smug grin on my face. Until I set it down for even a moment.

Because of this, holsters are my friend. They want to be yours too.

TMs at my store say they look tacky, I say having no device when a guest asks you for something is tacky.
Having so few devices that TMs resort to stealing them from each other is tacky.

I will say that if TM's actually respected their tools this wouldn't happen.. Yesterday alone I found two PDA's on the Sales floor and a MyDevice in the backroom just left there..

Three people written up for their own stupidity.. Cause it is an automatic write up in my store..

A Holster is your friend..
I do this all the time, untentionally (not the GSA/TL thing, though 😛)

I'm working in the backroom, pulling or backstocking something down an aisle. I place down my PDA or my walkie to properly handle merchandise. I turn my back away from it just for a couple seconds to a minute. Suddenly, I forgot where I placed it. Did I put it in a waco, on a shelf, on the floor, etc.? I start pacing up and down, retracing my steps from the main, recieving, and grocery (well, last two only if I actually did go over there) areas. This goes on for a few minutes. Just when I'm about to give up, I see it in a waco... sometimes in a previous aisle I just went came out of. This is what I consider to be my blonde moments.

and the coup de gras to this post... I always seem to leave my keys (personal + equipment) on the powered equipment, when I'm about to leave for the day.
I did this the other day with my myDevice. I walked from the TL office to the fixture room to my trailer to TSC. It took me three trips in a circle to each of those to finally find it hiding behind the POG strips.
When I get in the zone while cashiering, I get things done really fast and I have the mindset of scan, total, tell them the price, give them receipt, done. Well while I was in the zone I glanced at the time at my register, and thought, oh it's 9:34, and when a guest approached, I greeted them with "Your total is $9.34-" before realizing that I just turned the time into a they just kinda looked at me strangely, and I had no way of explaining to them that I accidentally said awkward...just kinda laughed it off and said just kidding! They probably think there is something wrong with me...oh well haha
I did that once, but the guest was chill and laughed about when I told them it was 5 minutes from the end of my shift.

I also mess up totals a lot like I'll say 68.98 when its 68.89 or something but I always correct myself. I have mild dyscalculia though.
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