Archived I got Spit on

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Pee on him to assert dominance. Wait no...not that. Yeah but seriously, assaulting another worker is a sure way to get fired. It shouldn't be taken lightly. I'd want to contact the authorities as well, because if he's this irrational, I'd want record of this incident in case it ever escalated outside of the work place. You'll have record of his history of assault against you.
Yeah, that's assault since he spat at you, and battery if it actually got on you (according to California's penal code anyhow), so definitely tell AP, who will document the incident and write up a report on it. That little shit needs to hit the pavement so hard he leaves skid marks.
I think you're being too nice about this. If this had happened to me, or if I saw this happen to anyone, I'd be the first to file the complaint with HR. I would be demanding HR get rid of this person, or I'd personally call the cops for assault. That is assault and you should NOT have to put up with BS like that. What a slimy little fuck.
I have a meeting with HR on Monday, and my AP dude started searching the cameras as soon as I told him.

Unfortunately, our cameras don't pick up that area. AP even tried to use inside cameras to figure it out, but the most they have is proof that he also went out that door.

He has turned around today and started telling other cashiers that I'm a rat, and that I'm just mad because he doesn't ever flirt with me. Like, no. But also, I'm friends with everyone but 1 TL, so all his trash talk is just coming back to me.
First of get my respect for controlling yourself. I don't know what I would do if someone spit on me...but I do know my first instinct would be to kick them in their ass. Secondly, I would stay on your HR, etls, stls, and APtl, until something is done. If the person..has no respect for others ( ie sitting over zealous flirting etc) then what will he do next? Spot needs to boot his ass and boot him asap
I have a meeting with HR on Monday, and my AP dude started searching the cameras as soon as I told him.

Unfortunately, our cameras don't pick up that area. AP even tried to use inside cameras to figure it out, but the most they have is proof that he also went out that door.

He has turned around today and started telling other cashiers that I'm a rat, and that I'm just mad because he doesn't ever flirt with me. Like, no. But also, I'm friends with everyone but 1 TL, so all his trash talk is just coming back to me.

Document and who he has been telling this to as this is a threat. Times, people, places.. Just keep documenting.
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