People who get through college of nearly any sort, especially if they put themselves through school and still manage to excel, have every right to be proud of themselves.
That said, going to college, of any sort, does not mean you have a right to expect a particular outcome immediately as a result of said schooling. Never has, doesn't now, never will, IMHO.
Me, all I've gotten ( so far-hey, the night is dark, but I'm not dead yet ) to show for my education is my "Good Enuf Diploma", and I have long wanted to go to further schooling, but I made up my mind a long time ago that if I were going to add that level of struggle & sacrifice to my life it would be for a degree that would mean something to me rather than to simply be able to truthfully say iwent to school (DEFINITELY no one around here paying for me to party,or anything else, except me...)
Ok, ok.... I see what everyone is saying. No disrespect to people who went to college legit, took it seriously, made nothing but A's and B's, read every book cover to cover, graduated with high honors, etc. Especially if they worked while doing it. I have said before and I will say it again - I respect these people to a great extent. These are the people who have people skills, will become true leaders, and will help make this country and the world better.
Now, on the other side, let's all be honest.... there are a sh** load of people who went through college, had it 100% paid for by mom and dad, pulled C's and D's, spent every night partying, took the summer time to travel to Europe on mom and dad's cash, spent every spring break drunk at some beach, and maybe read the first ten pages of a few books during 4-5 years time.
These people are *easily identifiable*. They usually go around bragging about their degree (to convince themselves and others that they actually learned a lot in college when they clearly did not), while also alluding to the fun they had with their sorority/frat cohorts. Again, let's be honest, a lot of these people end up as ETLs at Target.
These are the people who often are dumb as bricks, have no leadership/people skills to speak of, are lazy and command the store from their walkie, and generally are complete frauds who pass themselves off as being "college educated".
These are the people I have no respect for, and it irritates me to no end that they walk around like they are gods while TMs/TLs who could easily run circles around them as ETLs if they were given the same opportunities in life. Many of these TMs come from broken families, families that lived in poverty, or otherwise didn't have it made from the day they were born.
I'm not saying that that isn't life and that I expect it to change.... but I don't have to like it.