Archived I need help

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Jan 29, 2016
So tomorrow I start training at Starbucks, but I'm being relocated to another store for training. HR told me to just go inside the store ask for the people that are going train me. What can I expect tomorrow? They also told me to write down my time in order to enter it in the kiosk machine but I have no clue what that is or where is it. Also they told if I have trouble entering my time I can go to the store I was hired in order for HR to help.
Just go to their service desk and ask for the LOD. They should be able to set you up with your trainer at Starbucks.

Since you're just training at that store, you're not actually in their payroll system, so you won't be able to use their timeclock to punch in and out. Therefore, you'll have to fill out a punch correction form. The "kiosk machine" is the eHR computer in the breakroom, though any computer in the store can access eHR/MyTime.
What @mrknownothing said. Just make sure that when you do the punch correction(s) for your training shifts, do it by the Monday before payday so it shows up on that check. Also, keep track of your mileage! You can get reimbursed for that, ask HR for help on that.
Also, you get paid for your drive time (from your home store to the training store--not from your house). Welcome to Starbucks!
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