Archived I wanna quit right now.

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The high school mentality can really get on your nerves. Most of the people i work with are early 20s some are still teenagers. The attitude towards working is always "ugh, i have to do THAT" instead of "let's get it done." Hell, i'm 23 but my attitude is more that of a 30 year old. I find it hard to carry on intelligent conversations with more than a select few of my team; for most their attention span is less than a flea's. I've had to fight that voice telling me to walk out the door and never come back more times than i can count. Thankfully i'll be moving to pharmacy soon, where there are far more mature attitudes to work with.
Well, had my interview this morning... Had a call this afternoon telling me I got the job!! Put in my two weeks, met with my exec and went over what would happen in the coming weeks, she was pleasantly surprised that I had a plan to cover the department at least in the near future without me. My last day is next Friday, I am sooooo excited to be starting fresh somewhere new.

Just think... a desk job, more money, the same 2 consecutive days off every week, every shift at the same time (no more mornings, nights, and days), 5 weeks paid vacation, awesome benefits, and ample opportunity to move up!!! I just hope it isn't too good to be true. Only major downside is that their office hours are midnight to noon so that is a bit of a turn off, but, it isn't like I haven't done my share of overnights before!
I think we need a song or something for the ones who make it out.
Congratulations on the new job.
Don't be a stranger.
Now that I will be free to browse the web at work I am sure that I will keep up on all the happenings of Target and the break room!

Thanks for all the words of encouragement!!!
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