Archived If I report fire safety violations to the Fire Marshall will I get fired?

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Aug 19, 2018
My stores backroom is a massive fire hazard and regularly has blocked fire doors. If i report this to my towns Fire Marshall will i get fired?
Only if they find out.

It is technically illegal to do so, but you would definitely be painting a target on your back. Without a union I don’t think it is something I would do unless there is a hazard that could set a fire.
Only if they find out.

It is technically illegal to do so, but you would definitely be painting a target on your back. Without a union I don’t think it is something I would do unless there is a hazard that could set a fire.
Well, the other hazard is if there is a fire can you get out?
I've had a TM call OSHA on the store I worked at before. Definitely a quick turnaround. Just don't tell anyone you made the call, could never be traced back to you.

This all day long.. It works.. Make the call and keep your mouth shut about it. Have dates, times and places with detail ready when you make the call. They should understand and if they don't seem to get it, don't be shy explain you know this will come back on you and cost you your job and then they should get it..
I did the OSHA online form a few years back. There was a box to check if you wanted to remain anonymous but you still had to give them your info. OSHA just sent a warning letter to corporate which made the group ap guy send a nasty email to the store. Fire tunnels were clear for about a week then back to the same shit show it is now lol
Just don’t make the report out of spite. If you are really concerned with the safety of yourself and your team, make the call. But if your just pissed at Target, it won’t get the results your looking for.

With that being said, sounds like you must have a shitty ETL-AP and AP-BP, as that’s one of their core dutities when it comes to safety. I believe it was monthy or weekly we’d have to fill out and submit a check list ensuring fire extinguishers and exits were not blocked.
It is the ETL-APs job to partner with ETL-LOG to ensure the fire exits/eye wash/extinguishers are never blocked with merchandise or flats.
With that being said, sounds like you must have a shitty ETL-AP and AP-BP, as that’s one of their core dutities when it comes to safety. I believe it was monthy or weekly we’d have to fill out and submit a check list ensuring fire extinguishers and exits were not blocked.
It is the ETL-APs job to partner with ETL-LOG to ensure the fire exits/eye wash/extinguishers are never blocked with merchandise or flats.
Wait, there are stores that still have the eyewash station intact? I can't remember how long it's been since ours was removed.
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I think its better to address the concerns with your STL than to involve a bunch of people who are gonna be forced to be involved. If you skip this step and feel like calling OSHA or the fire marshal, Be warned. This might cause alot of unnecessary conversations about fire safety and how its everyone's job to be safe. Plus the time spent on actually fixing this. When you could have had a 5 minute conversation. Target has an open door policy and obviously if you get fired over it then that's wrong and illegal. I think at the most you slightly piss off your STL by talking to them instead of going around them. If and I mean IF your STL still does nothing then consider other alternatives and include times/dates.
I think its better to address the concerns with your STL than to involve a bunch of people who are gonna be forced to be involved. If you skip this step and feel like calling OSHA or the fire marshal, Be warned. This might cause alot of unnecessary conversations about fire safety and how its everyone's job to be safe. Plus the time spent on actually fixing this. When you could have had a 5 minute conversation. Target has an open door policy and obviously if you get fired over it then that's wrong and illegal. I think at the most you slightly piss off your STL by talking to them instead of going around them. If and I mean IF your STL still does nothing then consider other alternatives and include times/dates.
Unless the STL is literally blind, then there's no point. The STL will have seen the blockage repeatedly, every walkthrough of the store, and repeatedly chose to ignore it. And @redeye58 is right, if the OP goes to the STL and then the fire marshal shows up, the STL knows exactly who to focus their attention on.
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