Archived If your store had a team death battle, which team you win?

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I think softlines could do well in this. We would make the fitting room our base. We could create a no mans land buy moving fixtures (they're all on wheels) around, cover the tile floor with hangers, use 4 ft straight bars as clubs & face outs for hand-to-hand combat or as grenades. We could keep any POW's in the individual fitting rooms. I think that's a solid battleplan!
I would say back room, but our success would weigh mostly on the shoulders of 2 or 3 TMs while the others half-ass it.

I gotta give the edge to overnight/flow. They have endless energy due to all the red bull they "defect out".
I would have to say it would be one of the backroom team members, just because we have more knowledge of t what the store have. Plus we can lock our self's in places not every team member can get into. So when it comes down to the end we come out and fuck up whose ever left.

so i guess in order of first killed and last standing with me picking backroom as my work arena being that im crossed trained in there( and would much rather be back there and not the shit whole that is electronics).

7.CASHIERS (carts)
6.GSA (carts)

we have a super small store so cashiers and gsa do carts.
Our AP team is huge compared to other stores (total of 7 of us) and between cameras, a walkie that can go on channel 6, and the fact we're the most tactical, we definitely have the upper hand.

Plus we have a locking office with a heavy metal door, we just shut ourselves in and let everyone else tear each other apart, we pick off the stragglers
Backroom unite.

Most here don't realize that Flow, Reverse LOG and Backroom would combined into one big ass team
I'm Sweden in all of this. Everyone likes me, I don't think I'd be forced to stay on my team. I feel like I'd be saved.

If this is hunger games style where only one person gets to live in the end, I'd probably die, but I'd make it toward the end. One of those invisible teams would win lol. Like portrait studio or the back room kids that no one ever sees in the break room. We'd all be like "wait... Are they part of this? Do they work here?? They look so familiar..." I saw the portrait studio for the first time like a few months ago. And I still couldn't pick the people who work there out of a lineup. They'd be hiding in plain sight, maybe clean up the bodies so it appears as if they're official body removal people for the death match.

If all of a team's survivors are allowed to live in the end, maybe flow wins because there's a million of them? In this scenario, I'm saved so I live in the end.
Thinking about it some more, the racks in softlines and tables could be decent battering rams.
Our AP team is huge compared to other stores (total of 7 of us) and between cameras, a walkie that can go on channel 6, and the fact we're the most tactical, we definitely have the upper hand.

Plus we have a locking office with a heavy metal door, we just shut ourselves in and let everyone else tear each other apart, we pick off the stragglers

jesus christ, 7? Do you get armed robbery or something? Shit. We have one plain clothes and 3 non-plain clothes plus the AP. Goddamn, seven tho
I have an ETL and one TPS. That's pretty common in my district.
Thinking about it some more, the racks in softlines and tables could be decent battering rams.

jesus christ, 7? Do you get armed robbery or something? Shit. We have one plain clothes and 3 non-plain clothes plus the AP. Goddamn, seven tho
I believe I'm in a similar store to RS190. We have 7; ETL AP (Not AP/HR), APTL, two APS', and three TPS'. My store is super high volume ($75 mil +) and high risk (average about 175 apps per year). ETL AP/APTL combo is rare.

If your store has a APS its actually considered pretty high theft. Most stores either have APTL (solo) or if they are higher volume a ETL AP and TPS.
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