Archived I'm Tired: Not A Good Excuse To Leave, But It's The Truth.

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Nov 15, 2011
As part of the team that comes in at 9pm, I do a lot in front line work on the assembly line taking in white boxes, repack boxes and pushing the line while stacking the palettes. Being as how on the weekends they under schedule people, you end up working double hard. I didn't sleep that well during the day, so I ended up taking an energy drink to stay up. By 1:45am I was so drained I could hardly think straight.

I told the ETL's I had to go home for that reason. An argument ensued.

"That's not an excuse."

"I know. But it's the truth. If I don't do it that often, perhaps I am telling the truth."

"Everybody is tired."

They finally let me go. But I was frustrated.

I know I should have said I was sick. I wasn't thinking clearly enough to give them that answer.

So was I, in there mind, being?

Keep in mind I was fine when I came in and again, I didn't get much sleep....
I don't think they should ever argue with you as to the reason you are leaving - if you know you aren't working as hard as you could, you are being completely honest by letting them know you are heading home.

I left early for a similar reason last week. They don't have to like it, if you do it frequently, they may consider CA, but they shouldn't argue with you. What does that solve?
Honestly? My opinion. Bad move. Go to lunch, take a power nap and then pop a 5 hour energy drink to finish the couple hours left of the shift.

If you still think you can't stay, lie.

But to say, "I'm so tired" won't ever go over with any boss any where.

When I get extremely exhausted mixed with a lot of stress, I usually have a panic attack complete with an emotional outburst. I felt one coming on Tuesday, so I left telling my ETL "I'm not mentally well. I'm going to have a panic attack." He was taken aback but allowed me to leave. I only use a when I actually feel like I'm going to melt down. Today I was extremely exhausted (Two hours of sleep) but I worked the shift even stayed late.
Honestly? My opinion. Bad move. Go to lunch, take a power nap and then pop a 5 hour energy drink to finish the couple hours left of the shift.

If you still think you can't stay, lie.

But to say, "I'm so tired" won't ever go over with any boss any where.


I can't take energy drinks anymore.
Honestly? My opinion. Bad move. Go to lunch, take a power nap and then pop a 5 hour energy drink to finish the couple hours left of the shift.

If you still think you can't stay, lie.

But to say, "I'm so tired" won't ever go over with any boss any where.


Oh well, it's not like target is going to fire him over it. What if he follows your advice, and then causes a car accident on his way home? Granted you need to plan properly for the night shift, but know your limits. It's much cheaper to miss a little work than it is to risk it when you're exhausted.
I totaled my car from falling asleep behind the wheel. Luckily there was no one else on the road to be hit, but don't let the same happen to you. It sucked.
True, but its your responsibility to be rested before coming to work. I'm just saying no boss is going to be happy with I'm tired excuse.

I do recommend the 5 hour energy drinks as they are just vitamins, not like Red Bull or other Rockstar. Gotten me through many a overnighter where I didn't get sleep during the day (what Mom does when you have kids?)
True, but its your responsibility to be rested before coming to work. I'm just saying no boss is going to be happy with I'm tired excuse.

I'm well aware that is my responsibility.

It's just that every time I've had dealings with some ETLs on even issues that are not bs, it's the same attitude. Why be fast, fun and friendly when you are fickle, *****y and detached?
i know you didnt want to lie but i would have just said that i was sick...

the ETL kinda got you with that "everyone is tired" cuz im sure everyone is... lol..
True, but its your responsibility to be rested before coming to work. I'm just saying no boss is going to be happy with I'm tired excuse.

I do recommend the 5 hour energy drinks as they are just vitamins, not like Red Bull or other Rockstar. Gotten me through many a overnighter where I didn't get sleep during the day (what Mom does when you have kids?)

5 hour energy drinks are loaded with vitamin caffeine as well as different amino acids...definately not just vitamins.
don't think that excuse would ever fly,a lot of the team are ofter too tired either because of the physical nature of the work or because of the general athmosphere in the store and they complete their shifts,if you have to leave,lie,say you are sick.If not you will get a bad reputation whether you deserve it or not.I have heard it drilled into our team often enough that it is their responsibility to turn up ready and able to work.They can not blame you for being sick.I do know working overnight is so exhausting.Good luck.
We have people who work two and even three jobs to survive.
They sleep on their breaks, setting their phones to wake them up.
I keep waiting to hear that one of them has dropped dead from exhaustion.
I understand reaching a point where you can't tell your right from your left but I'm not sure if it would fly as an excuse at our store.
If you're too tired to finish a shift, then you should have seen that coming and just called in for the whole thing. By showing up, they will expect you to be able to perform your role there and they will count on you to finish the tasks assigned to you. If you call in, they at least have the option of calling someone in to cover it that can fill the role as needed. I've been there, I've been drop dead tired, but you have to push through as best you can. Hell, when I didn't have a vehicle for the longest time and couldn't bum a ride, I use to either walk or ride my bike the 6 miles to work, sometimes in rain or snow, and you can believe that will set you up to be tired for the work day, but I still got it done. I'd recommend you definitely not pull that as a reason again. You may not get in trouble over it, but you will at a minimum lose the respect of management in the long run, which we all know has a trickle down effect on a lot of aspects at work.
If you're too tired to finish a shift, then you should have seen that coming and just called in for the whole thing. By showing up, they will expect you to be able to perform your role there and they will count on you to finish the tasks assigned to you. If you call in, they at least have the option of calling someone in to cover it that can fill the role as needed. I've been there, I've been drop dead tired, but you have to push through as best you can. Hell, when I didn't have a vehicle for the longest time and couldn't bum a ride, I use to either walk or ride my bike the 6 miles to work, sometimes in rain or snow, and you can believe that will set you up to be tired for the work day, but I still got it done. I'd recommend you definitely not pull that as a reason again. You may not get in trouble over it, but you will at a minimum lose the respect of management in the long run, which we all know has a trickle down effect on a lot of aspects at work.

That is the one and only time I've ever felt the need to do that.

I don't see that as something I'll do ever again.

If management loses respect for me, I can't do anything about that. They hardly care for the people that work for them in the first place.
And if you keep doing it it will lead to corrective action due to leaving early!

As I said to them when I left: there has to be something wrong for me to leave that early. I should have said I was sick, but the truth of the matter is they don't care one way or the other. Other stores might, but this bit of outrage from these two particular ETL's I deal with is just a showcase.

People have gotten into fights knowing they could get fired and don't. Same goes for the leaving early crap. Nothing is consistent with them.
It's not just sleep deprivation but accumulating a sleep deficit.
You could go home & sleep for the rest of the day but, if you've been getting scant amts of sleep over days or weeks, you'll need more down time for your body to catch up. And that's deep REM sleep - not the slap naps most folks take (altho it's better than nothing).
Also, a sleep deficit weakens your body's defenses making you more susceptible to illness & slows reaction time which could lead to injury. So, as your mother used to say "Get to bed!"
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We have people who work two and even three jobs to survive.
They sleep on their breaks, setting their phones to wake them up.
I keep waiting to hear that one of them has dropped dead from exhaustion.
I understand reaching a point where you can't tell your right from your left but I'm not sure if it would fly as an excuse at our store.

Not to be rude but I have to question the life choices of an individual if they find it necessary to work more than 2 jobs for an extended period of time.

In response to the OP, any ETL is going to hassle you unless you say you are sick to the point where you can't work. It's Target. I like to compare their management style to communist China.
Not to be rude but I have to question the life choices of an individual if they find it necessary to work more than 2 jobs for an extended period of time.

In response to the OP, any ETL is going to hassle you unless you say you are sick to the point where you can't work. It's Target. I like to compare their management style to communist China.

Not to be rude, but I have to question how old you are and what your goals are and whether you have ever had your life turned upside down with businesses closing, medical catastrophes, divorce, etc. I guess these are life choices that one makes, but many choices are made and the variables change with time.
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