Inflation Hourly Wage Increase

Jan 2, 2024
My fourth year employment anniversary passed early last month. I noticed that my mid-month hourly pay increased by 1.99 percent. I am wondering if that was an annual pay increase. It doesn't seem to even match the 2023 2024 inflation rate. Because, my T.L. constantly tells me that I'm appreciated and seems genuinely happy with my work ethic and job performance I'm wondering why this hourly rate increase didn't include any job performance/incentive pay increase? Does Target stop giving hourly employees hourly pay rate increases when they feel the employee can be replaced by a new hire with a much lower pay rate? Is there a mandatory schedule for your employee evaluation and pay action?
Target doesn't do raises by inflation rate. They have a complicated formula by market that determines raises for exempt (salary) TMs and one for non exempt (hourly) TMs to attempt to keep competitive base pay. The 2% you saw was likely your annual merit increase, which is not the worst bracket in terms of performance but also isn't the best (TMs have had up to 5% at the top brackets previous years).
You got that almost 2% pay bump because your hourly wage was over the new base pay for your store and you have been with the company for 2+ years. It was just a coincidence that your anniversary happened in the same month--you will see a service award listed on your paycheck next year in honor of your 5 year anniversary--you only get these every 5 years. It will be a dollar amount, not an increase in hourly pay.

Annual merit increases (and reviews) are done in the spring, not the fall.
My fourth year employment anniversary passed early last month. I noticed that my mid-month hourly pay increased by 1.99 percent. I am wondering if that was an annual pay increase. It doesn't seem to even match the 2023 2024 inflation rate. Because, my T.L. constantly tells me that I'm appreciated and seems genuinely happy with my work ethic and job performance I'm wondering why this hourly rate increase didn't include any job performance/incentive pay increase? Does Target stop giving hourly employees hourly pay rate increases when they feel the employee can be replaced by a new hire with a much lower pay rate? Is there a mandatory schedule for your employee evaluation and pay action?
There’s no such thing as inflation pay raises at target. It’s NEVER happened.