Archived Instock Team Going Away in March

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For a company that used to be pretty cutting edge and ahead of the curve on processes we are now chasing our tails. Okay lets push a whole truck. If the zones are not good, research cannot be completed accurately. If you don't staff for a 2800 piece truck, research can't be completed. So that means research is broken? No it means that the powers that be haven't realized how much cutting payroll affects everything.How about instead....staff the damn stores. Give us the payroll to have enough people to zone a store. 4 people to zone a SuperT on a Sat night is laughable. Sure the shelves are straightened but they are far from accurate. Why not completely palletize the trucks? How many times do people touch the same case packs? Loading the truck, unloading the truck, scanning sorting, bowling and then finally stocking. Why not palletize products by aisles at the DC, put the pallets on the trucks, unload the pallets to the aisle and then get busy and stock? And yes stocking should be done while the store is closed. How much time is simply wasted pulling product to the floor, taking it off the floor and trying to find space in the backroom for it. I personally think that before anymore new and improved processes are rolled out, the staff that is bringing these processes to us actually work in test stores to see how it really works. I don't mean for a day either. A process that involves logistics should also be tested during the most stressful times of the year. If they are going to change things take the time to really test it. How will pushing entire trucks work during the 4th quarter? Pushing a double with 4800 total pieces and 343 repacks during the holidays was awful enough. I cannot even begin to imagine how long that would take. One size does not fit all. Pushing an entire truck overnight with no guests would be a heck of a lot easier than trying to do it in a 4am or 6am store.
I read about this all on workbench today...sounds interesting. No outs and increased research tasks, by Wednesday spanning every aisle of the store? I feel like this could be more accurate and help get more product pushed to the floor, but with the way the SF is at my store, the extra priority pulls will just pile up.
We are behind on pulls all day, everyday, as it is, because the TWO Tm's working the floor until 4:30 are constantly responding to back-ups at the lanes. Leaving my Instocks team to push everything, while simultaneously being dragged to each corner of the store by ETL's to do miscellaneous busywork.
I am both nervous and excited about this change, and I suppose only time will tell how it benefits or further destroys the morale of my store.
I read about this all on workbench today...sounds interesting. No outs and increased research tasks, by Wednesday spanning every aisle of the store? I feel like this could be more accurate and help get more product pushed to the floor, but with the way the SF is at my store, the extra priority pulls will just pile up.
We are behind on pulls all day, everyday, as it is, because the TWO Tm's working the floor until 4:30 are constantly responding to back-ups at the lanes. Leaving my Instocks team to push everything, while simultaneously being dragged to each corner of the store by ETL's to do miscellaneous busywork.
I read it too. But no one has really told my instocks anything.
I am both nervous and excited about this change, and I suppose only time will tell how it benefits or further destroys the morale of my store.
I read about this all on workbench today...sounds interesting. No outs and increased research tasks, by Wednesday spanning every aisle of the store? I feel like this could be more accurate and help get more product pushed to the floor, but with the way the SF is at my store, the extra priority pulls will just pile up.
We are behind on pulls all day, everyday, as it is, because the TWO Tm's working the floor until 4:30 are constantly responding to back-ups at the lanes. Leaving my Instocks team to push everything, while simultaneously being dragged to each corner of the store by ETL's to do miscellaneous busywork.
I am both nervous and excited about this change, and I suppose only time will tell how it benefits or further destroys the morale of my store.

I really don't know why they've decided to roll this out. In my store, it's not very effective and we have yet to accomplish a full store scan.
I think that if every IS team was able to begin scanning promptly upon arriving in the morning, this might go somewhat well. But, at least with my team, we generally don't even begin scanning until 7:30-8:00, because Flow has rarely completed their push in any areas. So we're left to work the research freight quite often.

It is unfortunate, because every workcenter has their own process and smooth way of doing things, but when they all coincide it often turns into a giant mess, threatening the all holy productivity.
Hmmm...too bad nothing about this will change and I will simply have to remain the guy banging his head on his cart tray every day. :mega_shok:
I think that if every IS team was able to begin scanning promptly upon arriving in the morning, this might go somewhat well. But, at least with my team, we generally don't even begin scanning until 7:30-8:00, because Flow has rarely completed their push in any areas. So we're left to work the research freight quite often.

It is unfortunate, because every workcenter has their own process and smooth way of doing things, but when they all coincide it often turns into a giant mess, threatening the all holy productivity.
Hmmm...too bad nothing about this will change and I will simply have to remain the guy banging his head on his cart tray every day. :mega_shok:

*Cough Cough* unless scanning got moved to nights 😛
My STL sent me a e-mail to make sure that on Fri 1/13 if anything comes in UPS that says AE12 on it to make sure it gets in her office unopened ASAP. I think the STL's know something about AE12 and dont want any info leaked out before they can pass it down the leadership chain. More to come on AE12 in a few weeks.
Our store is part of the instocks test where the task list is not followed except rigs then you do stand alone research once an area has been pushed. We are a 6am process with 3 trucks a week so for our situation it is nearly impossible to scan te entire store on a truck day. As one of the logistics leaders we as a group decided to push and backstock commoddity areas first on our wave to research on a daily basis and scan the entire store on off truk days. The process does reduce scans after a couple of weeks for the system to adjust an the store looks much fuller but as an early mrning process the company needs to realize the reality that researching the entire store with a truck is just not feasible with the hours given. Just my two cents
My STL sent me a e-mail to make sure that on Fri 1/13 if anything comes in UPS that says AE12 on it to make sure it gets in her office unopened ASAP. I think the STL's know something about AE12 and dont want any info leaked out before they can pass it down the leadership chain. More to come on AE12 in a few weeks.

Know your store size & org chart.
I asked our logistics LOD about the instocks teams and when the team would be phased out. My LOD said that the instocks aren't being phased out. What is happening is having a different process for instocks and backroom. She did say that our store has already switched to this new process and it works quite well.....I don't know if we're a rollout store for the new process or not, but the LOD in logistics is really quite happy with the changes and said that it has helped with hours and scheduling.
My new core roles for 2012 say I'm in charge of monitoring the Instocks process....I'm the Salesfloor ETL. Logistics core roles don't say anything about the Instocks team. So that's a little worrisome...I actually think Logistics does a horrible job with Instocks but I also don't want anymore on my plate.

My STL hinted in the ETL meeting that I wouldn't be happy with some of the AE changes but he was trying to figure out a way to break the news to me before he had the actual convo lol...I think I can pry it out of him by the end of the week though. I'm a little worried...
My new core roles for 2012 say I'm in charge of monitoring the Instocks process....I'm the Salesfloor ETL. Logistics core roles don't say anything about the Instocks team. So that's a little worrisome...I actually think Logistics does a horrible job with Instocks but I also don't want anymore on my plate.

My STL hinted in the ETL meeting that I wouldn't be happy with some of the AE changes but he was trying to figure out a way to break the news to me before he had the actual convo lol...I think I can pry it out of him by the end of the week though. I'm a little worried...

I know my ETL SF has to be in charge of the floor plus Pfresh. Not sure how much more workload Instocks is but isnt that alot of areas to cover?
I asked our logistics LOD about the instocks teams and when the team would be phased out. My LOD said that the instocks aren't being phased out. What is happening is having a different process for instocks and backroom. She did say that our store has already switched to this new process and it works quite well.....I don't know if we're a rollout store for the new process or not, but the LOD in logistics is really quite happy with the changes and said that it has helped with hours and scheduling.

I want to know more!!!
I asked our logistics LOD about the instocks teams and when the team would be phased out. My LOD said that the instocks aren't being phased out. What is happening is having a different process for instocks and backroom. She did say that our store has already switched to this new process and it works quite well.....I don't know if we're a rollout store for the new process or not, but the LOD in logistics is really quite happy with the changes and said that it has helped with hours and scheduling.

She's drinking to much of the Target Koolaid.....
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