Archived instocks talk

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When I was on instocks years ago I was told by my TL that $100.00 was the threshold for things to show up on the drastic count report. I don't know if that helps you in any way at all, just thought I'd throw it out there.
I'm jealous of you guys with your instocks teams. It's just me at my store. Between school and leaving early those days, and only working 5 days a week, being on truck for 3 of those days, I probably only get to scan a total of 12 hours a week.
I may get 50% of the list done. Usually 25% on heavy days. Sometimes all of it on those all RIGs days.

Speaking of rigs, do your take you to pretty much the same things every time? I probably get taken to every item at the checklanes at least once a week, if not twice for some (stupid eos lotion). Then all the batteries once a week, as in maybe d4 and aa20 one day, and other kinds the next day and so on. Then baby food aisle to scan 15 of those. Then random bed sheets and bath items and that's it. Never anything in electronics or grocery, or most of chem/hba/stat/small appliance. I don't even bother scanning batteries or checklanes any more, waste of an hour, I just enter the on hand amount and move on without even looking.
This is as good a place as any to ask: just how does the drastic count report work? Far as I can tell, items are added if it has multiple locations and one is zeroed out but the rest aren't scanned and updated.
That's a mistake and we are fixing it, will be in the release that comes after this month's release.
Or if it had a single location but instocks reports something way off from system on-hands.
Is there a concern here? That sounds good to me.
Only it seems to care if counts suddenly go down, but not up?
It should be either direction, people just don't typically enter drastically more than current on hands, most will be down.
I'm trying to figure out how the report cares that some TMNT pillows went from 27 to 0 when a) I can only find 2 on the floor and b) I don't think we ever had 10+ around in the first place and c) if so, why didn't it catch that in the first place? Unless that got removed from the report when I wasn't around; our AP will work on the report too so maybe?
The first time someone changes a count "drastically" such as that 27 to 0 scenario the count will be blocked from updating on hands and will then show up on the drastic count report. You must then work the report the report within 7 days and after counting extra careful enter the qty and it will update the on hands.
Also, how in-depth do any of you get when working on it? I know the sheet says something about checking the backroom for the product but like anyone has the time for that. If its a large enough item (grills, hot tubs are things I've caught) I'll check the steel but anything else I'm probably going to just count what I see and move on.
Some store team members will probably be able to better answer this than me, but yes I would say it's kind of judgement call that comes with knowing your store and product such as you have made with large items. Another example I could think of is I sometimes see stores that don't locate pallets of items, so you should be able to kind of know by the qty, type of item and common mistakes your TMs make what could be happening. But this is all why locating items in backroom is important, because if that was the case 100% of the time there would be no reason to look.
Also its funny to me how now that I've tried to keep on top of the report, I'll have instocks coworkers warning me if they changed a lot of counts in an area or put in the wrong number on an item. It almost never shows up on the report but still.
See rule below, I imagine it's not meeting the threshold.

When I was on instocks years ago I was told by my TL that $100.00 was the threshold for things to show up on the drastic count report. I don't know if that helps you in any way at all, just thought I'd throw it out there.

$100 difference in on hands or 4 casepacks difference in on hands.
Is it possible to adjust the OH of a discontinued item that the system thinks has sold out? The other day when I was doing the 4x4, I found discontinued items that the MyDevice showed 0 OH. When I went to research those items, the MyDevice wouldn't let me correct the counts.
Discontinued items counts can not be changed in a my device.
@Produce Queen , @OtherGuy , thanks. I'd heard about the $100 thing but the casepack thing is new and. Now here's something I'm wondering, do the display TVs on the wall count for on-hands? I know they get sold occasionally and they have a location (with capacity of 0). I'm not sure if I should be putting a 0 or a 1 there when scanning TVs.

Discontinued items counts can not be changed in a my device.
I swear I've found things that say "discontinued" by the price but let you change the counts. Not many, maybe a half dozen or less. Of course I'm an idiot and never take note of what items so I can find out of there's a pattern...
@Produce Queen , @OtherGuy , thanks. I'd heard about the $100 thing but the casepack thing is new and. Now here's something I'm wondering, do the display TVs on the wall count for on-hands? I know they get sold occasionally and they have a location (with capacity of 0). I'm not sure if I should be putting a 0 or a 1 there when scanning TVs.
I swear I've found things that say "discontinued" by the price but let you change the counts. Not many, maybe a half dozen or less. Of course I'm an idiot and never take note of what items so I can find out of there's a pattern...
The tv displays are counted. Please let me know if you find a way to change the count. Nothing works for me.
The tv displays are counted. Please let me know if you find a way to change the count. Nothing works for me.
Have you tried sending in a Store Count Adjustment request via MySuppot? This should send it to Price Change (takes a couple days) as a task to go count the items in all tied and located places.
Have you tried sending in a Store Count Adjustment request via MySuppot? This should send it to Price Change (takes a couple days) as a task to go count the items in all tied and located places.

That would mean PC would have to do it, never happens.
The tv displays are counted. Please let me know if you find a way to change the count. Nothing works for me.
Cool, thanks. That would probably explain then why the drastics had two TVs on it where the on hands and what was entered matched (one of them was 0 on hand, 0 entered). Somebody probably skipped the display location then.
At my store, 2-3 TMs are scheduled on OUTs days, 2-3 TMs are scheduled on endcap days, 6-7 TMs are scheduled on Tues and Wed Research days, and 2-3 TMs are scheduled on the Friday Research days. Our Instocks scans start at 8 in the morning and the team should stop scanning at around 11 to push the batches out. One TM works on the drastic count report everyday.

Instocks is considered one of the most important workcenters in the store, and any problems found by the Instocks team is addressed to all the leaders in the store. On Research days, the Instock team writes down any issues on the salesfloor (i.e. zoning, planogram, store tie issues), and the Instocks TL lists them in an email to the other team leads. Extra 4x4's or other focuses are then completed by the other teams in the store before the next week's research days.
At my store, 2-3 TMs are scheduled on OUTs days, 2-3 TMs are scheduled on endcap days, 6-7 TMs are scheduled on Tues and Wed Research days, and 2-3 TMs are scheduled on the Friday Research days. Our Instocks scans start at 8 in the morning and the team should stop scanning at around 11 to push the batches out. One TM works on the drastic count report everyday.

Instocks is considered one of the most important workcenters in the store, and any problems found by the Instocks team is addressed to all the leaders in the store. On Research days, the Instock team writes down any issues on the salesfloor (i.e. zoning, planogram, store tie issues), and the Instocks TL lists them in an email to the other team leads. Extra 4x4's or other focuses are then completed by the other teams in the store before the next week's research days.

That is my dream, but sadly they would rather cover up issues than fix them..
Discontinued items counts can not be changed in a my device.[/USER]

I swear I've found things that say "discontinued" by the price but let you change the counts. Not many, maybe a half dozen or less. Of course I'm an idiot and never take note of what items so I can find out of there's a pattern...

Discontinued "flex" items can be done in research.
A "flex" item is defined as: Discontinued items that do not have on hands at the DC, and store on the way is 0

This was a recent change in the last version
@Ofde That sounds real rough; my condolences. Our RIGs are pretty similar to yours; several checklanes items each day, one or two battery types through the whole store and a bunch of baby food and wipes. Then usually a couple in the juice aisle and some Sterilite. If mini-seasonal's set with the "random stuff from across the store" it'll have us scan some stuff there and it's home location. Going to also admit that I normally don't scan batteries outside of RIGs.

@zephyr4 How bit is your store and/or the task list for research days? Because I'm pretty sure you have scheduled on research days more instocks-trained TMs than we do (or ones I'd trust, at least) in general. Also responsive leadership sounds great. At my store I feel like telling leadership (aside from one or two people) about the shit I find is pointless; they'll smile and nod and it keeps happening. So I just settle for keeping the rest of the team informed about weirdness so we can work around it.

And somehow we're green aside from whatever hot-button issue visitors find. This month? Not enough research dates, especially in softlines. Again. Probably because a) softlines is poorly zoned on the best of days and b) I just found out one of the TMs who scans on softlines days did not know that even if you scan it and on hands/backroom locs are 0, you still mark it 0. Go that cleared up though.
At my store, 2-3 TMs are scheduled on OUTs days, 2-3 TMs are scheduled on endcap days, 6-7 TMs are scheduled on Tues and Wed Research days, and 2-3 TMs are scheduled on the Friday Research days. Our Instocks scans start at 8 in the morning and the team should stop scanning at around 11 to push the batches out. One TM works on the drastic count report everyday.

Instocks is considered one of the most important workcenters in the store, and any problems found by the Instocks team is addressed to all the leaders in the store. On Research days, the Instock team writes down any issues on the salesfloor (i.e. zoning, planogram, store tie issues), and the Instocks TL lists them in an email to the other team leads. Extra 4x4's or other focuses are then completed by the other teams in the store before the next week's research days.

You guys must be a huge store.
I'm getting really sick of instocks. All I want is to do my job the right way. But things are never zoned or push isn't done or backstock isn't done, etc. Then they tell me to scan anyway but that's a complete waste of time when I don't know how many of something we actually have!
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