Archived Instocks Team Lead Advice?

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Instocks team lead
Mar 7, 2015
I was recently promoted to instocks team lead at my store. I don't have any of the back room duties due to my store splitting the position (since instocks has been awful as of late) I'm just curious as to what my duties are? In my first week of training it seems that my main focuses are Ptm (printing the red labels and making sure the mpg report is done) and making sure the scan tasks are done and research is pushed. Is there anything else I should be focusing on? Thank you for your help and I apologize for the oddly structured sentences
Not totally sure. We're a high volume store with a 4 A.M. Truck unload. And our usual sales goal is usually around 100 grand a day
You sound like "A or AA" volume store. Go under store reports or store fact for store size. Most stores dont have the instocks tl jobs, anymore🙁
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Yeah. One of our flow team leads quit (we had 2) and rather than having another flow team lead they gave me the instocks gig
You should be doing the things a TM isnt responsible for or is outside their power. Communicate zone/pog/push accuracy issues to the departments' leads when you encounter them, ensure your team is being productive, challenge backstock to make sure it got pushed to all sf locs.
Make sure your team challenges all scans with backroom locations. The system is set up so that if there is a backroom location of an item, it should flow out automatically. If there is a BR location, and the salesfloor location is empty...most likely it has been pushed incorrectly.

Know what your team has scanned, what they were able to scan easily / what was difficult and come up with a plan to make it not difficult the next week. Going 2+ weeks with inaccurate scans can seriously hurt in-stocks.

Push the product your team has dropped. It's a great way of auditing what they scanned and whether or not it was scanned correctly.

Know what is coming off the truck and who typically pushes what departments. Example, if you're noticing heavy research batches dropping in bulk paper, then you know that your paper pusher is doing a terrible job. In addition, when you're pushing your research batches, it gives you a great opportunity to audit the push process as well. Example. you have to push out a casepack of shampoo...but the shampoo is stocked in the conditioner location. The flow team failed to push it to the correct location and the in-stocks team failed to notice that it was stocked incorrectly.

Utilize the "PTM at a glance" report. Know what is going PTM, know how much stock you have for PTM areas, and if there is a plan for making sure upcoming PTM is fully stocked. Likewise, ensure that areas that are transitioning in the next few days have a plan for the D-Code/CLR that is coming out. Take appropriate partners(PPTL, appropriate salesfloor TL)
I'm surprised instocks TL still exists in early morning stores. When we were overnight we had a TL over instocks/dayside backroom and another TL just for overnight backroom. Going from overnight to 4am we lost the extra backroom TL and it was combined with the BR/Instocks TL. We also went from two flow TLs to one after the switch to 4am.

Consider yourself lucky. I wouldn't get too comfortable being just over instocks though. I don't think it will last. It looks like your store is over headcount somewhere.
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Congrats on the promotion! One of the things you can do with your position is making sure your team and the rest of the store (especially leadership) are on the same page with things like how to properly flex over outs and the like. Because nothing kills productivity like your team having to follow behind an LOD and fix endcaps that are now full of shuffled product, flipped over labels and all that fun stuff.

Does that still exist? They took out Stand Alone Research from out PDAs. How would you work it, with a MyDevice updating counts? Does that bypass the report?
The report still exists and you can work on it with a MyDevice. You just do it in the device's research mode and update the counts at all the salesfloor locations and it clears it off the next day's report. Usually; our store's having some issues with checklanes candy on the reports recently.
Thanks for all the advice! I'm trying to figure it out as I go along
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