Archived Integrated Guest Service Nightmare

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We take 5 or less at our GS. When I'm on a lane, if someone is purchasing items and they mention they have to go to GS for something, as long as it's not super busy and it's a simple return, I will do it for them at the lane. I haven't gotten yelled at yet for that. lol
I do the same thing. Also if GS has a line from people trying to check out I don't want to send the guest to that line.
IGS works if you have a store setup where rewrap/repackage/SIM/"figure out the item" is processed off-stage. Otherwise it's hell for the TM.

Restrict the IGS TM's responsibilities to "Sort Reshop, Help Guests", and it's a smooth process. Have a TL or brand TM work the junk carts or "Needs Info" product off stage, then bring that back to IGS to get worked into the go works better that way.
Yeah Good luck with that...

Anytime ive seen a store with IGS, GS is often overwhelmed with guest concerns on top of having to check out. Often the GS TM either becomes really grumpy or apathetic. Ive only ever had one GS TM Who was cheerful and could keep up or close GS properly.
But what about the small and large bags? You can't only use medium bags.
Yes you can, my city banned single use plastic bags, all my store has is medium reusable plastic bags. I will say it is an epic pain in the ass though.

Note my use of the sarcasm font. I was making a reference to the GSTLs and ETLs-GE out there who complain that their cashiers go through tons of medium bags but barely touch the other sizes. The first of my six GEs was like that.
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