Archived Interview For CTL: Need Help Please

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Apr 19, 2012
So I have upcoming interviews for the CTL Position in my store, does anyone have any advice on what the questions might be or how I should answer? Any advice at all would be appreciated. Thank You.
Regardless of the questions asked, be specific with your answers.
Discuss what you've already done to lead the department you're in and specific situations when asked the "tell me about a time..." questions.
Try and use the SBO method when answering questions:
S: Situation. Take a brief few sentences to explain a little situation to set up the answer.
B: Behavior. The bulk of your answer should be here. This is where you share your thoughts, actions, who you involved, what you did, why you did it, etc. This is the part that allows the interviewer to understand you and your style.
O: Outcome. This is the wrap up to the answer. It is usually a good idea to finish by sharing the end result, some recognition you received as a result of your actions, or something along those lines.

It is good to have examples about the following topics:
1) A time you exceeded expectations and got a great result
2) A time you delivered great service.
3) A time you improved a process.
4) Someone that you coached to becoming an effective member of the team.
5) A time you gave feedback to a senior leader (TL, ETL, STL, etc).

If you have good examples for each of these areas, you will be able to effectively answer 90% of any Target interview questions you might get.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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