Archived Interviewing for GSA soon - I need some advice

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So my interview is going to be this week. It is going to be with two ETL's. This may be a silly question but should I maintain constant eye contact with one of them? Should I never look to the side?
Be sure you give eye contact while talking. Speak loudly (dont yell though) and confidently.

If the etls are females try not to ever look down while talking or they might think youre staring at their boobs lol.
So my interview is going to be this week. It is going to be with two ETL's. This may be a silly question but should I maintain constant eye contact with one of them? Should I never look to the side?

In this case, I don't think your ETLs are "testing" you, but at a lot of interviews, you'll have one person in front of you and one off to the side. The trick is maintaining natual looking eye contact with both of them. Make sure you do this!
Be sure you give eye contact while talking. Speak loudly (dont yell though) and confidently.

If the etls are females try not to ever look down while talking or they might think youre staring at their boobs lol.

LMAO! They are both female so I will have to be careful about that!!!!!!!!!!

I have never had an interview with two people interviewing me at once.
Wait...why would they interview you at the same time? Usually it's a two part interview where one person does part a and the other person does part b,
Wait...why would they interview you at the same time? Usually it's a two part interview where one person does part a and the other person does part b,

Actually mine was a double interview. Alternating questions between TL and etl.
So it went well I think. Any thoughts on signs an interview went well or bad or so so?
bump. The second interviewer (an ETL HR) went into pay with me for like 10 minutes. She said I would get less, but that "We can discuss it."
She said 50 cents less an hour than I already make. And she wanted to know if I would be ok with that.
It's because TPS is a higher pay grade. You're basically demoting yourself.

Your call.
I don't care about that really - my ETL HR said that if I am to ever have any chance of getting a TL position I must have leadership experience. She said this is really the only position that gives it.
Well TPS can lead to other high paying ap positions like aptl or aps etc. The position opens up a lot of opportunities outside of spot as well.

Being a GSA isn't really all that necessary to become a TL, they could just be using you. We've had plenty of sales floor TMs become TLs st my old store... Yet only 1 GSA, and she was a major ass kisser. We've had plenty of TPS move upwards too, in fact almost every TPS I worked with got a promo. 1 went to IS, 1 to sr-TPS, etc. In all honesty ap is about the only area where spot promotes within.

Be sure it's what you really want, there is no going back. If you do go to GSA, there's no guarantee they'd let you eventually be a TL.
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I would discuss the frelling hell out of that.
There is no reason for them to cut your pay like that.
Seriously uncool.
If they want you for the job they can keep you at the same salary.
They let the old photo assistant take my position without a pay cut I heard. Kinda sucks when certain people get to make more based off being connected with the right people.

I'm inclined to agree with you commie, it is a slap to take a pay cut for a bs position like GSA, but most of us former gsas and current gsas were never afforded such luxuries.... It is what it is, and until spot can raise the official pay grade for GSA I think it's unfair for certain people to make more.
I don't care about that really - my ETL HR said that if I am to ever have any chance of getting a TL position I must have leadership experience. She said this is really the only position that gives it.
I though I heard my bullsh*t detector go off....
GSA is a teensy step toward GSTL. Depending how your store utilizes GSAs would be one way to gauge their sincerity but you're going to a "tougher" store with a hard-a$$ STL that has burned through 3 GSAs already. And you're expected to take a pay cut?
The promises of a future leadship position are merely carrot-dangling.
The actual scenario I see is suckering you into a position in a harsher environment under the guise of testing your mettle (sink or swim) AND cutting your pay .50/hr with NO guarrantee of future advancement. They'll ALWAYS have a reason to pass you over, citing some unrealistic goals you failed to meet, etc.
Run - don't walk - away from this & don't be swayed by the threats of lost opportunity for leadership advancement. As cited above, there's other opps from AP.
Ok so update time. Today my HR ETL told me that she talked to the HR ETL that interviewed me last week. She said that she loved me, and that I interviewed very well. My HR ETL said they still have to interview one more person internally, but that I am a strong contender. My ETL HR said that the other ETL HR wanted to schedule a sort of shadowing of the GSTL at that store next week.

What do you guys think?

BTW My ETL HR just happened to run into me when she told me all of this. I never went to her or asked about it.
I pretty much agree with red, so that is where I stand.

What do I think in regards to the shadowing? I also did some light shadowing before I got promoted, it really doesn't mean much. It is what it is.
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I meant what do you think of my chances - in terms of whether I got it based on what she said. ;0 This of course irrespective of whether I should take it or not if I am offered the position.
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It depends on the other person. Also depends whether leadership is buddy buddy with that person, or they are being impartial (as they should).

They might be having you shadow to size you up, and possibly to weed you out before you get the job in case you don't take a liking to it and change your mind (hey it happens).

Take all the positive stuff with a grain of salt, it's just a bunch of bull**** they crap out to give people a boost, pretty much every manager will do it. It doesn't mean you have the job -- yet.
Trust me being a GSA will help you move up way faster then any other postions. You can focus on all the Opps for 2013 up there and prove yourself! I loved being a GSA and its gotten me very far!
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