Archived Interviewing for GSA soon - I need some advice

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Maybe I'm over generalizing a bit, but I do run into a lot of team leads drinking the koolaid. There are exceptions though.

Target undercompensates a lot of their TLs, so the highly skilled ones usually end up at better companies. That's what happened at my store anyway. We ended up with a bunch of desperate TMs wanting the TL spots and willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy spot's greed. Even if it meant ****ting on their team(s).
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I'm finding GSAs can do little right...and when they do actually manage to get complimented, it's always done to help them miss the sting of more work/responsibilities being added.
Yeah they just want us to feel at least SOMEWHAT appreciated so we don't all ragequit on them. Its all a ploy that grows old after a while.
Don't do it!!!!! GSA job is very stressful and underpaid. TPS is n09 and GSA n07 so you will lose at least 50 cents pay! I highly recommend you dont.

Not where I work. GSA gets more than TPS. And I want to do this because my ETL HR said that I would be most suited to the front or HR and said that really the only way I would get leadership experience necessary to become a TL is through GSA.

Also, the ETL AP at the store where I will be interviewing said that there will be some movement in GSTLS in the coming months. She said this in such a way as to suggest that if I do well as a GSA I can go up.

TPS is also very stressful. Believe me.
that is pretty much what I am doing... using GSA as a stepping stone for TL.
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